such as the Essenes called the OB cleaner with "Nolde-cloud" dabbed Saturday afternoon in August, when he the new, opened by Andreas Kipar Krupp-designed park. Cleaner were the same after the statement and the context. That makes him appealing in the sense also an awareness of historical context on its own (politician) Vita: Not that this was the last inauguration of his 10 years as mayor of the city should be understood as historical, but that this same terrain between the industrial city of the Old Village and the Eat downtown more than 150 years as the "Forbidden City" was imposed and that this is now a park open to the public .
Reminder: The territory of the Krupp cast steel works had a size of more than three times the historical city center of Essen. Who wanted to go from Altendorf food and vice versa, had to close a two-kilometer long wall on the left and right by the road - regardless of whether they were on foot, by bike, tram or car. Behind smoked and rattled it in the high times of "Germany's power on the seas" by Wilhelm Zwo and as for arms production of the kingdom "to the end the Germans had instigated World War number two. There was a closed road and rail system, bunkers, forced Holidays tank firing ranges with stands for the generals, gates, fences - a forbidden city.
were right next door "Bull convent for unmarried Krupp workers, the prostitutes quarters of the steel road and ungovernable and the infamous" red "Segeroth - burned in the bombing and sterilized since the 70s to the university campus.
came after the collapse of the said kingdom, and the dismantling in the late 1940s, the Krupp site never really on its feet. In the 1960s and 1970s also had a steel and coal crisis than for the huge desolate terrain. It was still stubbornly planning law further provides the desolate area as an industrial area - you never know!
to get in the last 15 years preceding the decision, as part of a carefully calculated coup, the corporate headquarters of (Thyssen) Krupp back to food, the wasteland was several square kilometers as extraterritorial zone: sleeping place for the homeless and junkies, whores meeting and location for clandestine Gothic or SM-parties. Or was nesting site for migrating birds. In any case, remained a difficult surmountable barrier between residential areas and downtown and a basic feeling of "constant times better off there!"
This should (and will!) now depends on the decision of the Krupp Foundation and its Patriarch Berthold Beitz, the desire of the city and designed by Andreas Kipar, the space planner of the "Green beams "Change - by a head office of the Thyssen Krupp Group, a business and Wissenschaftskampus and - a park!
a park, it noted as OB cleaner, "it should give more and probably give even when there are all those people are not taking part today, as politicians, municipal representatives and citizens at his inauguration. A new City Park! "
I go and take photos. The playful postmodern Kipar hill by Andreas and his team of LAND (