Renewed cases of child abduction
few weeks ago we heard activated a hotline so that citizens of the youth office somewhat suspicious of child neglect or crying or think that they will have to report on this hotline and draw attention to those families. The reason is concern about the increasing neglect of children in homes where starving and also cases of abuse occurred.
I think there is agreement that there should be intervention in cases of life-threatening neglect sooner rather than later but at the same time I had a fear that the child's withdrawal opens the door. Everyone thinks of what can be heard now and call the families and especially single mothers there have nothing to laugh about. In two weeks we registered about 570 calls in two weeks and there were 117 children taken from their families or removed. 117 children are only 3 classes and in two weeks. If it's counted against the year could well be 2 schools, and in 10 years, oh well. I was not there and I assume in most cases the homes were the cause, an issue which has a very good site lässt.Trotzdem solve what is going on here? On the one hand, there are always cases in which intervention is necessary, on the other hand, one can do not tell me that we in Germany with such a large number of disabled parents have to do? Three classrooms full of orphaned children? All parents really so catastrophic failures that had to have their children placed in state custody? And again it is sorely needed to analyze each case to document the career meticulously the parents have their say, listen to them, seeing them as equal partners.
Cluttered homes, dilapidated housing, the base not be alone.
It was also one case in which a mother and her infant durchgenässt screaming in bed is totally leave. But she was present. It has the baby directly to the well- Bed and taken away. is now for action is all right but it would not have been better to ask the mother to her child to support themselves and to help it carry out these tasks themselves until they developed a sense of what is best for their child? It would have been a family can still perhaps save.
used to be the parent responsible for family and children, have worked out on the field, eating cooked and household care. Grandpa and Grandma lived in the household and to supplement the care of children. Today the image of women has changed completely. There are usually no more grandpa and grandma, house and home also no longer, so no network of support and offers sedentary. Man lives alone in an apartment, you are alone responsible for everything, if left to rent or house or job, everything is an individual or a few, the society has become more demanding. Not only maximum performance on the job but also in motherhood is expected to meet and who can not easily gives up and does nothing further, the overview is lost completely gone. The removal of children should only be in exceptional cases and are not seen as a panacea, because as a result remain broken families, traumatized children back and what does the future with a society full of traumatized people? It urgently needs other concepts and the mothers need another Picture of themselves, they must learn to set priorities, they must know that their children demand the highest performance and when neighbors at the Youth Office on they complain then they will ring at this storm and issue their entire laundry so that they, the neighbors that the laundry , can wash. They are determined to do it gladly.
Otherwise, should mothers be more active form their own networks to form their own activities, course design, events, pass on form in parenting, self-giving counseling, excursions, with doctors and lawyers and feminists and sociologists (interior) and .. and .. unite. A new
Selbstbewusstein for Mothers and children and Verantwortungssein, maybe that's the new way.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Stream Online From Iphone
Antifa Demo in Pinneberg
place on Saturday in Pinneberg an anti-Fascist demonstration under the motto " shut down Pinneberger fellowship - No tolerance for Faschist_Innen" the demo starts at 11 am at station. Pinneberg. The purpose of the demo should be, the people of Pinner at the increasing to inform Nazi activities in Pinner, and the Fascist ideology noted in his way. It is therefore also about asked to wear a garment that is not black, it should be no black block demonstration "but a Citizens' demo. Furthermore have also Nazis announced that date and it is strong to assume that these also appear, so watch out for now and exit runs and preferably not alone away from the demo in Pinneberg around .
The Antifa to meet at the common clock at the arrival of 10 train Sternschanze
But here again the call to the Antifa Pinneberg: Shut down
Pinneberger fellowship - No tolerance for Faschist_Innen the past and today ...
It's been a while ago that the right terrorist organization Combat conducted 18 "several attacks, the murder of the IG Metall union - called official Uwe Zabel and openly harassed and threatened people. The camaraderie Elbmarsch is no longer active for some time - but the presence of fascists in Pinner is not past. Even For some time the Pinneberger be downtown and the nearby S - Stations Pinneberg, Halstenbek and Krupunder again frequented by neo-Nazis. They spend their free time, get drunk and harass people who do not fit into their worldview. Repeated leaflets were distributed, smeared slogans and stickers affixed with right contents. Nazis and their organization ... That the right-wing scene in Pinneberg not disorganized is, appears to participate in several regional fascists NPD - parades, as well as good contact with the Hamburg Neonazi - Lawyer Jürgen Rieger. However, not only by labels and demonstrations make Pinneberger neo attention: Repeatedly it is too physical clashes come with anti-fascists, which is also a good networking with Elmshorner , Uetersener and hamburgers right wing revealed. In this case, several members of the former camaraderie Elbmarsch were identified. prohibition and criminalization anti-Fascist activities ... To counteract these conditions wanted activists under anti-Fascist theme in a concert Pinneberg organize. The concert was in the Geschwister-Scholl -Haus (GSH ) in Pinneberg under the theme "instead of reacting to tolerate - Not a foot of fascism," to take place. Because of symbols such as a crossed-out or broken swastika granted the GSH were from the police and the intelligence requirements. Was entitled to the above symbols are not mapped to the flyers. The motto should be changed, it is provocative to the right scene opposite. The conditions have been fulfilled, and the concert was held under the theme "Responding to tolerate - for peaceful coexistence of all nations! performed. But it was followed by other editions. The concert should take place only under strict police control. In addition, everyone adds Konzertbesucher_In would be arrested immediately, she / he wear buttons, badges or similar that depict swastikas crossed out. In the case of the concert would have also stopped by the police. So the organizers decided to come into compliance with the GSH take place to the concert can not, because the aim of achieving the public's tiller to not realize was. Come to the demo on 1.3.! early as spring 2007, demonstrated some 40 antifascists spontaneously in the Pinneberger city to ban the concert and the Pinneberger Nazi scene. With a noisy demonstration, we want 1 March on these states to draw attention and make us the fascist ideology in its path. This country has a past and we have a responsibility, that history does not repeat. Therefore we call on you to participate vociferously in the anti-fascist demonstration. Antifascist demonstration 01.03.2008 / 11.00 clock station. Pinneberg Pinneberg shut down camaraderie! No tolerance for Faschist_Innen! Not in Pinneberg and nowhere else!
PS It there a national flags banned, but that's all abandoned as it bypasses

place on Saturday in Pinneberg an anti-Fascist demonstration under the motto " shut down Pinneberger fellowship - No tolerance for Faschist_Innen" the demo starts at 11 am at station. Pinneberg. The purpose of the demo should be, the people of Pinner at the increasing to inform Nazi activities in Pinner, and the Fascist ideology noted in his way. It is therefore also about asked to wear a garment that is not black, it should be no black block demonstration "but a Citizens' demo. Furthermore have also Nazis announced that date and it is strong to assume that these also appear, so watch out for now and exit runs and preferably not alone away from the demo in Pinneberg around .
The Antifa to meet at the common clock at the arrival of 10 train Sternschanze
But here again the call to the Antifa Pinneberg: Shut down
Pinneberger fellowship - No tolerance for Faschist_Innen the past and today ...
It's been a while ago that the right terrorist organization Combat conducted 18 "several attacks, the murder of the IG Metall union - called official Uwe Zabel and openly harassed and threatened people. The camaraderie Elbmarsch is no longer active for some time - but the presence of fascists in Pinner is not past. Even For some time the Pinneberger be downtown and the nearby S - Stations Pinneberg, Halstenbek and Krupunder again frequented by neo-Nazis. They spend their free time, get drunk and harass people who do not fit into their worldview. Repeated leaflets were distributed, smeared slogans and stickers affixed with right contents. Nazis and their organization ... That the right-wing scene in Pinneberg not disorganized is, appears to participate in several regional fascists NPD - parades, as well as good contact with the Hamburg Neonazi - Lawyer Jürgen Rieger. However, not only by labels and demonstrations make Pinneberger neo attention: Repeatedly it is too physical clashes come with anti-fascists, which is also a good networking with Elmshorner , Uetersener and hamburgers right wing revealed. In this case, several members of the former camaraderie Elbmarsch were identified. prohibition and criminalization anti-Fascist activities ... To counteract these conditions wanted activists under anti-Fascist theme in a concert Pinneberg organize. The concert was in the Geschwister-Scholl -Haus (GSH ) in Pinneberg under the theme "instead of reacting to tolerate - Not a foot of fascism," to take place. Because of symbols such as a crossed-out or broken swastika granted the GSH were from the police and the intelligence requirements. Was entitled to the above symbols are not mapped to the flyers. The motto should be changed, it is provocative to the right scene opposite. The conditions have been fulfilled, and the concert was held under the theme "Responding to tolerate - for peaceful coexistence of all nations! performed. But it was followed by other editions. The concert should take place only under strict police control. In addition, everyone adds Konzertbesucher_In would be arrested immediately, she / he wear buttons, badges or similar that depict swastikas crossed out. In the case of the concert would have also stopped by the police. So the organizers decided to come into compliance with the GSH take place to the concert can not, because the aim of achieving the public's tiller to not realize was. Come to the demo on 1.3.! early as spring 2007, demonstrated some 40 antifascists spontaneously in the Pinneberger city to ban the concert and the Pinneberger Nazi scene. With a noisy demonstration, we want 1 March on these states to draw attention and make us the fascist ideology in its path. This country has a past and we have a responsibility, that history does not repeat. Therefore we call on you to participate vociferously in the anti-fascist demonstration. Antifascist demonstration 01.03.2008 / 11.00 clock station. Pinneberg Pinneberg shut down camaraderie! No tolerance for Faschist_Innen! Not in Pinneberg and nowhere else!
PS It there a national flags banned, but that's all abandoned as it bypasses
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
How To Make Custard Thick
demonstration" attack is a weapon! ! Counter people, the state and capitalism "
criticism is a weapon! Against nation, state and capitalism!
There are many reasons to be against capitalism: Starving children in Africa, the destruction of nature, or simply having to get up early every morning. to come from this rejection to the affective understanding of the function of capitalism, but is anything but simple. It is also the question of the relationship between capitalism and constructs such as people, nation and state have failed many a wise head. The problem is that without this knowledge, the well-intentioned criticism often turns into its opposite and instead of a better world for the preservation of capitalism or even worse, contributing to its negative barbaric repeal.
In the beginning the goods
On capitalism, all things have in addition to its specific usefulness and value are exchanged, are thus goods. The exchange is mediated via the money which is the general expression. This was not always so. In ancient times, the majority of production based on slave labor. The slaves had to produce what their masters sought and received for only the necessities of life. In the Middle Ages provided the farmers themselves and their families themselves and had to cede part of their work on the nobility and clergy.
The fact that we can share all things as goods, is not unconditional. We must refer to something in common, namely that human work is contained in them. This provision is not primarily a question of how high the value of an object (the final price of a product in the store is determined much more complex), but about how the work of an individual or a eingrenzbaren group in relation to the overall work of the Society can be set. This money is absolutely necessary, because we can Were compared only if we use a specific product as a benchmark. This is the function of money. to see through this relationship is anything but easy. If you ask anyone on the street, will answer this / r things had just value. The man appears, their social relationship to one another as a property of things. Commodity, value and money are thus supposedly natural and immutable. The fact that this is only a social relationship, which they reproduce themselves every day, do not recognize the man.
wage labor and justice
Although the modern sociology likes to talk of layers and the like, capitalism remains a class society. This can not change. There are are two groups of humans to be irrevocable. Those who have no means of production and sell their labor power must, and those who have the means of production. Capitalism requires a double-free working class. It must be free of personal power relations (eg, the function of a serf in the Middle Ages) and free of means of production, could contest with what the workers their lives. Thus, they are forced from their labor power to someone who has the means of production, for sale. For this they receive, leading to their reproduction, that is to maintain its work force, necessary. How much is this varies, depending on the location and time. While a / e happy worker in Southeast Asia, a modest apartment and eat enough, in western Europe, it also includes television, car and computer. In the concept of class, it is not a matter of comparing income groups or the like, but the structure of society. Let us now assume a / e worker has a 38 hour week. 25 hours, he / she requires in order to produce what brings the beginning of production costs and yields enough to ensure the reproduction of his / her family. In the remaining 13 hours, he produces / she now for the capitalist. This 'bonus' is the added value.
insecticides against "locusts" as a solution?
it enough so just to remove the capitalists and the workers to give the full fruits of their labor to create the misery of the world? First of all, must be held, that the capitalists wedded to the illusion described above that these conditions were virtually laws of nature. Furthermore, they have to in order to survive in the market, make their products more efficiently and cheaper. This is, firstly, by the portion that belongs to the workers, and reduce the other hand, by investing profits in new machinery, etc., to produce more effectively. Who is not so becomes bankrupt. The companies are thus in a vicious circle in which they push each other to maximize profits and from the break they can not. During the ancient slaveholder his wealth primarily consumed, can I, the modern factory owner does not pay, he reinvest / she must be as much to be able to withstand the competition.
Since the products must be sold, and the need for bread, computers, etc. is limited, creates capitalism through advertising etc. constantly changing needs in order to sell the goods. If this is not regular and it is necessary for the crisis. Our entry into new markets or the destruction of value, what both harmless may take the form of bankruptcies, etc., as also happened in violent form of war, however, capitalism creates its own power to overcome them. That natural and man in this system are left behind is evident.
layoffs, pollution, etc . So are not the ill will of some managers. These act in a context that seems inevitable to them. Hartz IV recipients and managers are, in principle interchangeable, even if the latter course material better off than the former. Is therefore not only when the workers have their factory just take over. For one it does not address the wrong Ratios of goods, value and exchange, on the other they will still be subject to the laws of capitalism. They would shift the opposition of only the individual worker and KapitalistIn and exploit themselves. It thus changes nothing at all to the circumstances, any 'fat cats' personal attack, even not to mention the fact that such a personalizing criticism of capitalism more than just an open flank to
» articles on Wikipedia "
') > Anti-Semitism has
is the state capital and
For many on the left quickly everything said about the state . He has always existed and has always been the instrument of the rulers to suppress the exploited. Quite as easy as it is not. Modern states with an administration, etc. were only in the absolutism, when the Kings were trying to avoid a lot of wealth from their territory extract. Under capitalism, states, ideally democracies, not simply to suppress the function of the workers. Through the legal system and monopoly of power, they guarantee that the exchange can work, that contracts are honored, remain the double-free workers, that is, no one is enslaved, etc. Also, give the state between capitalists and workers. It ensures that workers do not rebel, but also that their reproduction is guaranteed, nature is not destroyed too much, etc. Say it guarantees that capitalism can survive in the future and not directly destroyed itself. It is therefore ideal collective capitalist. Here are depending on government time workers, once the capital more influence on the shape of the policy. Most of course the capital is in a better position because it can exert a lot of light pressure and power.
The specifics of the German nation
nations do not exist for long. Medieval principalities united many different Languages and the various kingdoms were often relatively loose structure. The 'French nation' was the first example in the revolution. At that time the term referred to the Third Estate, the nobility and clergy were not included. Accordingly, an affiliation to the French nation was first and foremost a commitment to the revolution and its values. Similarly, the United States define the Revolutionary War and still get any / r, which is / are born on U.S. territory, citizenship.
Unlike in Germany, where there was not a successful bourgeois revolution. The nation state was established 'from above'. Accordingly, also lacks a positive reference point for the national understanding. Germany is defined by culture and especially on blood and descent. German / r is, who has German blood in their veins. This means that immigrants of the 3rd and 4 Generation still do not receive citizenship, on the other hand, are people whose ancestors centuries ago the territory of the later left Germany, as German. The change of citizenship under the red-green federal government changed this in principle. Such understanding
Nations has fatal consequences. If only citizen to tell who is of German blood, this means that in this thinking Jews or German Sinti and Roma are not, can still be. It also allows alleged German "ethnic groups" as an excuse to take to get into the domestic politics of other countries for the benefit of the 'German' minority to interfere and enforce in this way its own great power politics - a continuity of German foreign policy from the Empire to the present. Of course there are also French nationalists, which define the French language, etc. and some German, the blood is not crucial - but basically has not changed this difference nothing. Of course we want in favor of a classless world society, to abolish all nations. This general objection may not lead to real differences blur.
National socialism and national community
National Socialism was neither the dictatorship of a few, say how many citizens often have a dictatorship of the middle class and / or capital of the workers, as some leftists still represented. Rather, it places the cross-class uprising of all Germans are against what they regarded as capitalism and liberalism.
The creative, German workers were brought against rapacious greed for profit, interest and sphere of circulation into account. Would first give up working capital and its self-interest in favor of well-being of the people, would the class divisions within the community repealed. But as the class conflict is inherent to capitalism and the sphere of circulation can not be separated from production, the Opposition had to be projected to the outside. This shows an essential part of modern anti-Semitism. The negative features of capitalism are personified by "the Jews" and should be destroyed with them. It is the collective
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was') ">
Semitism of the Germans, who unified the national community.
The FRG? A democracy like any other?
The much-touted zero hour has not existed 1945th While the nation was shattered country by the Allies, but the denazification was in view of the Cold War, never carried out consistently. The states of consciousness of the population changed nothing, there was the German Ideology. Not to mention the fact that the so-called economic miracle was none, but based on the destruction by war and forced labor accumulated capital. And human resources, there was no material breach. Even high Nazi officials were already in the 50s back in office and made career in Germany. Not to mention, many of the little Nazis who began their work in factory and office again as teachers for the next generation of the German spirit brought up, or building up the armed forces, which, thanks to trimming draft, contributed much of the male population to authoritarian characters.
also broke the 68 only superficially with the thinking of their parents and grandparents. The nationalist ideology was adopted and the
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') "> anti-Semitism
was not even consistent as anti-Zionism and anti-Americanism laminated, it was the first attack by a Jewish institution in Germany '45 performed by the left Tupamaros West Berlin. Not coincidentally, it was a government of ex-leftists of the '68 generation, who led the third German war of aggression against Serbia in a century and the beginning of the nineties began reorganization of Yugoslavia after Germany's interests and ethnic principles completed. The whole thing, not despite but because of Auschwitz perfidious manner. Not only is the argument that Serbs were the new Nazis and concentration camps were talking, was simply wrong, they are relativized by the way the German crimes.
How exactly does the German society can be described today is certainly an open discussion. It is conceivable that a specifically German national community and civil society as competitive principles to social hegemony . Argue National community here means those Germans, light as howling mob hostels for asylum seekers or Indians chase through the streets, civil society, those whose ideology is shown as the fact that it is the Holocaust in a general tragedy of modernity to the "European experience" or that they , over all other political differences within the camp, an anti-Semitic terrorist regimes such as Saddam Hussein defend. At many points
meet the ideologies but also, for example, if the military defeat of the Third Reich to the "Allied bomb terror" or the relocation of the Potsdam Agreement subject to the offender? Expulsion? is. The notion of creative German labor for its own sake is still valid, as in the Nazi propaganda against? Parasitic aliens? equally, as in the agitation against the DGB? healthy German firms destroying locusts speculators? or shows the state labor force by one-euro jobs. It can, therefore, and because the classical nationalist mob currently has no relevant political representation, ask if not the civil society is the modern secondary national community.
It should be noted in any case, that Germany is not a bourgeois democracy, like any other. Germany is thinking, still thinking Auschwitz!
Everything Shit?
The revolution is so far away. What are the consequences? Retire to private life, consumption and luxury, or even defend civil society against their barbaric waiver? Both will provide no alternative for us dar. Even if this is needed sure to maintain the condition of the possibility of communism upright to secure the financial basis of communist criticism.
We hold to the idea of a better world, the States and classless world society! There is, however, necessary to break with any form of state and nation in general and Germany in particular radical. Also, capitalism can be abolished only if its basic categories, Value goods, exchange and wage labor, are repealed. Communist criticism is necessary is negative, we do not have a master plan for revolution? New world order?, Nor do we want to shape the world according to a fixed utopia. What can be determined from the criticism of the status quo, however, is that there will be in the free association of free people a deliberately planned production to the needs of the people, and targeted distribution of wealth.
A radical left, which is serious about the abolition of the false whole, may not therefore be caught in a blind flurry and participate, but must fight reactionary ideology, no matter who they represented, and the critique of the existing as many people communicate.
For Communism!
demonstration on March 1, 14am, Central Station Bochum
caller groups:
A2K2 [western Ruhr area], Rote Antifa Bochum, Antifa Eating Z, Youth Antifa Gelsenkirchen, Antifa Herne, MAD Cologne, Left List ( Ruhr-University Bochum), Young Left Lippstadt, Youth Antifa Moers, Antifa Mönchengladbach, Antifa Neuss, Open Antifa Recklinghausen, TOP Berlin, Emancipatory Lüdenscheider antifascists [PA], Antifa Duisburg
information at :
http : / /
Mobi Jingle:
Unfortunately, very quietly, you have to stop the loud speakers turn .-

criticism is a weapon! Against nation, state and capitalism!
There are many reasons to be against capitalism: Starving children in Africa, the destruction of nature, or simply having to get up early every morning. to come from this rejection to the affective understanding of the function of capitalism, but is anything but simple. It is also the question of the relationship between capitalism and constructs such as people, nation and state have failed many a wise head. The problem is that without this knowledge, the well-intentioned criticism often turns into its opposite and instead of a better world for the preservation of capitalism or even worse, contributing to its negative barbaric repeal.
In the beginning the goods
On capitalism, all things have in addition to its specific usefulness and value are exchanged, are thus goods. The exchange is mediated via the money which is the general expression. This was not always so. In ancient times, the majority of production based on slave labor. The slaves had to produce what their masters sought and received for only the necessities of life. In the Middle Ages provided the farmers themselves and their families themselves and had to cede part of their work on the nobility and clergy.
The fact that we can share all things as goods, is not unconditional. We must refer to something in common, namely that human work is contained in them. This provision is not primarily a question of how high the value of an object (the final price of a product in the store is determined much more complex), but about how the work of an individual or a eingrenzbaren group in relation to the overall work of the Society can be set. This money is absolutely necessary, because we can Were compared only if we use a specific product as a benchmark. This is the function of money. to see through this relationship is anything but easy. If you ask anyone on the street, will answer this / r things had just value. The man appears, their social relationship to one another as a property of things. Commodity, value and money are thus supposedly natural and immutable. The fact that this is only a social relationship, which they reproduce themselves every day, do not recognize the man.
wage labor and justice
Although the modern sociology likes to talk of layers and the like, capitalism remains a class society. This can not change. There are are two groups of humans to be irrevocable. Those who have no means of production and sell their labor power must, and those who have the means of production. Capitalism requires a double-free working class. It must be free of personal power relations (eg, the function of a serf in the Middle Ages) and free of means of production, could contest with what the workers their lives. Thus, they are forced from their labor power to someone who has the means of production, for sale. For this they receive, leading to their reproduction, that is to maintain its work force, necessary. How much is this varies, depending on the location and time. While a / e happy worker in Southeast Asia, a modest apartment and eat enough, in western Europe, it also includes television, car and computer. In the concept of class, it is not a matter of comparing income groups or the like, but the structure of society. Let us now assume a / e worker has a 38 hour week. 25 hours, he / she requires in order to produce what brings the beginning of production costs and yields enough to ensure the reproduction of his / her family. In the remaining 13 hours, he produces / she now for the capitalist. This 'bonus' is the added value.
insecticides against "locusts" as a solution?
it enough so just to remove the capitalists and the workers to give the full fruits of their labor to create the misery of the world? First of all, must be held, that the capitalists wedded to the illusion described above that these conditions were virtually laws of nature. Furthermore, they have to in order to survive in the market, make their products more efficiently and cheaper. This is, firstly, by the portion that belongs to the workers, and reduce the other hand, by investing profits in new machinery, etc., to produce more effectively. Who is not so becomes bankrupt. The companies are thus in a vicious circle in which they push each other to maximize profits and from the break they can not. During the ancient slaveholder his wealth primarily consumed, can I, the modern factory owner does not pay, he reinvest / she must be as much to be able to withstand the competition.
Since the products must be sold, and the need for bread, computers, etc. is limited, creates capitalism through advertising etc. constantly changing needs in order to sell the goods. If this is not regular and it is necessary for the crisis. Our entry into new markets or the destruction of value, what both harmless may take the form of bankruptcies, etc., as also happened in violent form of war, however, capitalism creates its own power to overcome them. That natural and man in this system are left behind is evident.
layoffs, pollution, etc . So are not the ill will of some managers. These act in a context that seems inevitable to them. Hartz IV recipients and managers are, in principle interchangeable, even if the latter course material better off than the former. Is therefore not only when the workers have their factory just take over. For one it does not address the wrong Ratios of goods, value and exchange, on the other they will still be subject to the laws of capitalism. They would shift the opposition of only the individual worker and KapitalistIn and exploit themselves. It thus changes nothing at all to the circumstances, any 'fat cats' personal attack, even not to mention the fact that such a personalizing criticism of capitalism more than just an open flank to
» articles on Wikipedia "
') > Anti-Semitism has
is the state capital and
For many on the left quickly everything said about the state . He has always existed and has always been the instrument of the rulers to suppress the exploited. Quite as easy as it is not. Modern states with an administration, etc. were only in the absolutism, when the Kings were trying to avoid a lot of wealth from their territory extract. Under capitalism, states, ideally democracies, not simply to suppress the function of the workers. Through the legal system and monopoly of power, they guarantee that the exchange can work, that contracts are honored, remain the double-free workers, that is, no one is enslaved, etc. Also, give the state between capitalists and workers. It ensures that workers do not rebel, but also that their reproduction is guaranteed, nature is not destroyed too much, etc. Say it guarantees that capitalism can survive in the future and not directly destroyed itself. It is therefore ideal collective capitalist. Here are depending on government time workers, once the capital more influence on the shape of the policy. Most of course the capital is in a better position because it can exert a lot of light pressure and power.
The specifics of the German nation
nations do not exist for long. Medieval principalities united many different Languages and the various kingdoms were often relatively loose structure. The 'French nation' was the first example in the revolution. At that time the term referred to the Third Estate, the nobility and clergy were not included. Accordingly, an affiliation to the French nation was first and foremost a commitment to the revolution and its values. Similarly, the United States define the Revolutionary War and still get any / r, which is / are born on U.S. territory, citizenship.
Unlike in Germany, where there was not a successful bourgeois revolution. The nation state was established 'from above'. Accordingly, also lacks a positive reference point for the national understanding. Germany is defined by culture and especially on blood and descent. German / r is, who has German blood in their veins. This means that immigrants of the 3rd and 4 Generation still do not receive citizenship, on the other hand, are people whose ancestors centuries ago the territory of the later left Germany, as German. The change of citizenship under the red-green federal government changed this in principle. Such understanding
Nations has fatal consequences. If only citizen to tell who is of German blood, this means that in this thinking Jews or German Sinti and Roma are not, can still be. It also allows alleged German "ethnic groups" as an excuse to take to get into the domestic politics of other countries for the benefit of the 'German' minority to interfere and enforce in this way its own great power politics - a continuity of German foreign policy from the Empire to the present. Of course there are also French nationalists, which define the French language, etc. and some German, the blood is not crucial - but basically has not changed this difference nothing. Of course we want in favor of a classless world society, to abolish all nations. This general objection may not lead to real differences blur.
National socialism and national community
National Socialism was neither the dictatorship of a few, say how many citizens often have a dictatorship of the middle class and / or capital of the workers, as some leftists still represented. Rather, it places the cross-class uprising of all Germans are against what they regarded as capitalism and liberalism.
The creative, German workers were brought against rapacious greed for profit, interest and sphere of circulation into account. Would first give up working capital and its self-interest in favor of well-being of the people, would the class divisions within the community repealed. But as the class conflict is inherent to capitalism and the sphere of circulation can not be separated from production, the Opposition had to be projected to the outside. This shows an essential part of modern anti-Semitism. The negative features of capitalism are personified by "the Jews" and should be destroyed with them. It is the collective
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was') ">
The FRG? A democracy like any other?
The much-touted zero hour has not existed 1945th While the nation was shattered country by the Allies, but the denazification was in view of the Cold War, never carried out consistently. The states of consciousness of the population changed nothing, there was the German Ideology. Not to mention the fact that the so-called economic miracle was none, but based on the destruction by war and forced labor accumulated capital. And human resources, there was no material breach. Even high Nazi officials were already in the 50s back in office and made career in Germany. Not to mention, many of the little Nazis who began their work in factory and office again as teachers for the next generation of the German spirit brought up, or building up the armed forces, which, thanks to trimming draft, contributed much of the male population to authoritarian characters.
also broke the 68 only superficially with the thinking of their parents and grandparents. The nationalist ideology was adopted and the
» articles on Wikipedia "
') "> anti-Semitism
How exactly does the German society can be described today is certainly an open discussion. It is conceivable that a specifically German national community and civil society as competitive principles to social hegemony . Argue National community here means those Germans, light as howling mob hostels for asylum seekers or Indians chase through the streets, civil society, those whose ideology is shown as the fact that it is the Holocaust in a general tragedy of modernity to the "European experience" or that they , over all other political differences within the camp, an anti-Semitic terrorist regimes such as Saddam Hussein defend. At many points
meet the ideologies but also, for example, if the military defeat of the Third Reich to the "Allied bomb terror" or the relocation of the Potsdam Agreement subject to the offender? Expulsion? is. The notion of creative German labor for its own sake is still valid, as in the Nazi propaganda against? Parasitic aliens? equally, as in the agitation against the DGB? healthy German firms destroying locusts speculators? or shows the state labor force by one-euro jobs. It can, therefore, and because the classical nationalist mob currently has no relevant political representation, ask if not the civil society is the modern secondary national community.
It should be noted in any case, that Germany is not a bourgeois democracy, like any other. Germany is thinking, still thinking Auschwitz!
Everything Shit?
The revolution is so far away. What are the consequences? Retire to private life, consumption and luxury, or even defend civil society against their barbaric waiver? Both will provide no alternative for us dar. Even if this is needed sure to maintain the condition of the possibility of communism upright to secure the financial basis of communist criticism.
We hold to the idea of a better world, the States and classless world society! There is, however, necessary to break with any form of state and nation in general and Germany in particular radical. Also, capitalism can be abolished only if its basic categories, Value goods, exchange and wage labor, are repealed. Communist criticism is necessary is negative, we do not have a master plan for revolution? New world order?, Nor do we want to shape the world according to a fixed utopia. What can be determined from the criticism of the status quo, however, is that there will be in the free association of free people a deliberately planned production to the needs of the people, and targeted distribution of wealth.
A radical left, which is serious about the abolition of the false whole, may not therefore be caught in a blind flurry and participate, but must fight reactionary ideology, no matter who they represented, and the critique of the existing as many people communicate.
For Communism!
demonstration on March 1, 14am, Central Station Bochum
caller groups:
A2K2 [western Ruhr area], Rote Antifa Bochum, Antifa Eating Z, Youth Antifa Gelsenkirchen, Antifa Herne, MAD Cologne, Left List ( Ruhr-University Bochum), Young Left Lippstadt, Youth Antifa Moers, Antifa Mönchengladbach, Antifa Neuss, Open Antifa Recklinghausen, TOP Berlin, Emancipatory Lüdenscheider antifascists [PA], Antifa Duisburg
information at :
http : / /
Mobi Jingle:
Unfortunately, very quietly, you have to stop the loud speakers turn .-
Getting My Wife To Wear Nylons
Nazi concert with the Nazi band" V-Punk "on 6.2 or 8.2
Some's never learn ... Nazi band "V-Punk" on Headbangers Ball Room
Whether you do not notice at the Headbangers Ballroom just the explosions, or even be proud of even the "genius" booking, which We can not judge. In any case, it is sparing no expense to a concert with the Nazi-punk band "V-Punk" from Kiel on Feb 08, apply in the Saturday edition of the Hamburger Morgenpost per ad. That at some point even the Antifa notice, well, you can come hätt'drauf. Interestingly, the concert is not on the website of the Ballroom announced at the "World Network presence" of the Kiel neo-Nazis from the Feb 06 issue. Whether the costs for that action but we still made by Feb 08. Now the usual way to prevent such a concert would be to contact the organizer and first to learn about the background of his guests, according to the reaction and then either a.) to congratulate himself for quick success or b.) take appropriate counter measures begin to hunt the brown out of town guests (such as here >>>). Only let us be honest: we are tired of hamburgers operators carry their political conscience afterwards. In the age of Google & co. It is possible for everyone to learn in a few seconds of such bands. And especially the comrades of "V-Punk" were already in Hamburg several times in public issue. Therefore, the end of this time is this: We call the operator of the Headbangers Ballroom hereby made to cancel the concert immediately and publicly! We will open the event, they should not be canceled as deal with what it is: a right rock concert for neo-Nazis Neo-Nazis. In this context we would once again on the events surrounding the birthday celebration of the neo-Nazis in November 2005 Torben adhesive on Nobistor refer>>>.
Ah yes, what is the problem of "V-Punk"? For those who want to have forgotten or never read at this point we-again-quote ourselves:
InfoPool Antifa Hamburg, 31.10.2004
"Market Hall says after anti-fascist concert information from
for the November 2 Kiel was the band "V-Punk" on the program of "Markthalle Hamburg". Behind the innocuous name is a group led by singer Zeljko Topic, which the Kiel Red light district may be assigned. Then (bzw.war) were found among other things, he operator of little ambiguous "Puff Kiel", in which at a recent raid sharp weapons and hand grenades. In addition to involvement in the pimp scene "V-punk" but also in the atmosphere of militant neo-Nazis from Schleswig-Holstein active. A joint appearance with the neo-Nazi band "power stroke" was only because of a police ban does not take place, further said the "V-Punk" their "good" name and a musical contribution to a solo sampler of the Nazi bar "Club 88" (Club Heil Hitler) ago .
Antifa InfoPool performed with the Btreibern the market hall in touch and informed Back to the Round of flight they band. Initially, the market hall responded with disbelief, so they behauptetetn example, the organizers came from the "left Hamburg's punk scene and the last concert with" V-Punk "(they have already played there once ...) there was no evidence of neo-Nazis. This is surprising, given that "V-Punk" in recent years repeatedly - especially in Hamburg-public discussions in the media and the "music scene" (Booker, operators, etc.) were. First, there was no give in the market hall we were forced to make the matter public in order to increase the pressure. Ultimately
was the operator of the market hall but then threaten to be convinced that cooperation with the Nazis and their friends was not announced, and probably more than just a huge loss of image would you encounter "V-Punk". On Friday they sent then this ZIP message on their distribution:
V-PUNK 2:11:04 opinion:
We would like the cancellation of the concert the group to announce V-PUNK. The concert was scheduled for 02:11:04 and is canceled by our side, because of strong suspicions that the band associated with politically right-wing groups might. This information was not us at the time of planning the concert known. "
It is encouraging that the market hall found from (long) delay but still so clear words. We will continue to go out of Nazis and their supporters to take public forums and to prevent their occurrence, by all means! All roads! "
We also refer to recent releases and articles about" V-Punk ">>>
as well as a current on their failed because of anti-fascist intervention England tour>>>
Anyone in person at the Headbangers Ballroom in the prior of things to inquire can do so here:
Ballroom Hamburg
Rock Club Great
Elbstr. 14 22767 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 31 59 74
Fax: +49 40 31 79 21 69
eMail: # more-65
concert of the Nazi V-punk band announced in Hamburg, at 6.2. or 8.2. in the Ballroom.
In the weekend edition of the Hamburger Morgenpost MOPO was a display of the ballrooms, the V-band punk on 8 February in their rooms may occur. On the side of the band, however, is from 6.2. the speech.
in Göttingen was canceled her appearance already.
nothing if the name says, briefly stolen info:
"For some turmoil in antifascist circles saw the beginning of March, the planned tour of the Kiel-Punk Punk Band V (Viva Punk) together with 999 from Great Britain, in a gig in Berlin on 4
April at the Wild at Heart was planned. While it is at 999 is a band from the leftist spectrum, V-Punk has a sly old dog. Since its founding in 1996, the native of the Kiel red band scene is increasingly becoming the Nazi group. Gave at the beginning, especially the consistently right fans cause for concern, it is since March 2001, the band itself on 7 April, the group should occur in conjunction with the Blood & Honour-band power stroke in Kiel, but prevented the police.
As a result, it was announced that the drummer of punk-V at least half a year had played for power stroke, and also the guitarist of power stroke often times helped out at V-Punk. After these events, let V-Punk finally covered all shells: A member of the band played a gig at Kiel Week in Blood & Honour-shirt and the end of 2001 released CD "Bang Bang" contains a clear nationalist texts. Despite this, the band tries again with irrelevant statements denying their right mind and to give itself as apolitical.
More current date and backgrounds to the band:
probably true of the 8th rather than appointment, as antifa info suggests, because they do not want to display in the vain ne MOPO.
prevent So fellow Nazi concert!
Some's never learn ... Nazi band "V-Punk" on Headbangers Ball Room
Whether you do not notice at the Headbangers Ballroom just the explosions, or even be proud of even the "genius" booking, which We can not judge. In any case, it is sparing no expense to a concert with the Nazi-punk band "V-Punk" from Kiel on Feb 08, apply in the Saturday edition of the Hamburger Morgenpost per ad. That at some point even the Antifa notice, well, you can come hätt'drauf. Interestingly, the concert is not on the website of the Ballroom announced at the "World Network presence" of the Kiel neo-Nazis from the Feb 06 issue. Whether the costs for that action but we still made by Feb 08. Now the usual way to prevent such a concert would be to contact the organizer and first to learn about the background of his guests, according to the reaction and then either a.) to congratulate himself for quick success or b.) take appropriate counter measures begin to hunt the brown out of town guests (such as here >>>). Only let us be honest: we are tired of hamburgers operators carry their political conscience afterwards. In the age of Google & co. It is possible for everyone to learn in a few seconds of such bands. And especially the comrades of "V-Punk" were already in Hamburg several times in public issue. Therefore, the end of this time is this: We call the operator of the Headbangers Ballroom hereby made to cancel the concert immediately and publicly! We will open the event, they should not be canceled as deal with what it is: a right rock concert for neo-Nazis Neo-Nazis. In this context we would once again on the events surrounding the birthday celebration of the neo-Nazis in November 2005 Torben adhesive on Nobistor refer>>>.
Ah yes, what is the problem of "V-Punk"? For those who want to have forgotten or never read at this point we-again-quote ourselves:
InfoPool Antifa Hamburg, 31.10.2004
"Market Hall says after anti-fascist concert information from
for the November 2 Kiel was the band "V-Punk" on the program of "Markthalle Hamburg". Behind the innocuous name is a group led by singer Zeljko Topic, which the Kiel Red light district may be assigned. Then (bzw.war) were found among other things, he operator of little ambiguous "Puff Kiel", in which at a recent raid sharp weapons and hand grenades. In addition to involvement in the pimp scene "V-punk" but also in the atmosphere of militant neo-Nazis from Schleswig-Holstein active. A joint appearance with the neo-Nazi band "power stroke" was only because of a police ban does not take place, further said the "V-Punk" their "good" name and a musical contribution to a solo sampler of the Nazi bar "Club 88" (Club Heil Hitler) ago .
Antifa InfoPool performed with the Btreibern the market hall in touch and informed Back to the Round of flight they band. Initially, the market hall responded with disbelief, so they behauptetetn example, the organizers came from the "left Hamburg's punk scene and the last concert with" V-Punk "(they have already played there once ...) there was no evidence of neo-Nazis. This is surprising, given that "V-Punk" in recent years repeatedly - especially in Hamburg-public discussions in the media and the "music scene" (Booker, operators, etc.) were. First, there was no give in the market hall we were forced to make the matter public in order to increase the pressure. Ultimately
was the operator of the market hall but then threaten to be convinced that cooperation with the Nazis and their friends was not announced, and probably more than just a huge loss of image would you encounter "V-Punk". On Friday they sent then this ZIP message on their distribution:
V-PUNK 2:11:04 opinion:
We would like the cancellation of the concert the group to announce V-PUNK. The concert was scheduled for 02:11:04 and is canceled by our side, because of strong suspicions that the band associated with politically right-wing groups might. This information was not us at the time of planning the concert known. "
It is encouraging that the market hall found from (long) delay but still so clear words. We will continue to go out of Nazis and their supporters to take public forums and to prevent their occurrence, by all means! All roads! "
We also refer to recent releases and articles about" V-Punk ">>>
as well as a current on their failed because of anti-fascist intervention England tour>>>
Anyone in person at the Headbangers Ballroom in the prior of things to inquire can do so here:
Ballroom Hamburg
Rock Club Great
Elbstr. 14 22767 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 31 59 74
Fax: +49 40 31 79 21 69
eMail: # more-65
concert of the Nazi V-punk band announced in Hamburg, at 6.2. or 8.2. in the Ballroom.
In the weekend edition of the Hamburger Morgenpost MOPO was a display of the ballrooms, the V-band punk on 8 February in their rooms may occur. On the side of the band, however, is from 6.2. the speech.
in Göttingen was canceled her appearance already.
nothing if the name says, briefly stolen info:
"For some turmoil in antifascist circles saw the beginning of March, the planned tour of the Kiel-Punk Punk Band V (Viva Punk) together with 999 from Great Britain, in a gig in Berlin on 4
April at the Wild at Heart was planned. While it is at 999 is a band from the leftist spectrum, V-Punk has a sly old dog. Since its founding in 1996, the native of the Kiel red band scene is increasingly becoming the Nazi group. Gave at the beginning, especially the consistently right fans cause for concern, it is since March 2001, the band itself on 7 April, the group should occur in conjunction with the Blood & Honour-band power stroke in Kiel, but prevented the police.
As a result, it was announced that the drummer of punk-V at least half a year had played for power stroke, and also the guitarist of power stroke often times helped out at V-Punk. After these events, let V-Punk finally covered all shells: A member of the band played a gig at Kiel Week in Blood & Honour-shirt and the end of 2001 released CD "Bang Bang" contains a clear nationalist texts. Despite this, the band tries again with irrelevant statements denying their right mind and to give itself as apolitical.
More current date and backgrounds to the band:
probably true of the 8th rather than appointment, as antifa info suggests, because they do not want to display in the vain ne MOPO.
prevent So fellow Nazi concert!
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