place on Saturday in Pinneberg an anti-Fascist demonstration under the motto " shut down Pinneberger fellowship - No tolerance for Faschist_Innen" the demo starts at 11 am at station. Pinneberg. The purpose of the demo should be, the people of Pinner at the increasing to inform Nazi activities in Pinner, and the Fascist ideology noted in his way. It is therefore also about asked to wear a garment that is not black, it should be no black block demonstration "but a Citizens' demo. Furthermore have also Nazis announced that date and it is strong to assume that these also appear, so watch out for now and exit runs and preferably not alone away from the demo in Pinneberg around .
The Antifa to meet at the common clock at the arrival of 10 train Sternschanze
But here again the call to the Antifa Pinneberg: Shut down
Pinneberger fellowship - No tolerance for Faschist_Innen the past and today ...
It's been a while ago that the right terrorist organization Combat conducted 18 "several attacks, the murder of the IG Metall union - called official Uwe Zabel and openly harassed and threatened people. The camaraderie Elbmarsch is no longer active for some time - but the presence of fascists in Pinner is not past. Even For some time the Pinneberger be downtown and the nearby S - Stations Pinneberg, Halstenbek and Krupunder again frequented by neo-Nazis. They spend their free time, get drunk and harass people who do not fit into their worldview. Repeated leaflets were distributed, smeared slogans and stickers affixed with right contents. Nazis and their organization ... That the right-wing scene in Pinneberg not disorganized is, appears to participate in several regional fascists NPD - parades, as well as good contact with the Hamburg Neonazi - Lawyer Jürgen Rieger. However, not only by labels and demonstrations make Pinneberger neo attention: Repeatedly it is too physical clashes come with anti-fascists, which is also a good networking with Elmshorner , Uetersener and hamburgers right wing revealed. In this case, several members of the former camaraderie Elbmarsch were identified. prohibition and criminalization anti-Fascist activities ... To counteract these conditions wanted activists under anti-Fascist theme in a concert Pinneberg organize. The concert was in the Geschwister-Scholl -Haus (GSH ) in Pinneberg under the theme "instead of reacting to tolerate - Not a foot of fascism," to take place. Because of symbols such as a crossed-out or broken swastika granted the GSH were from the police and the intelligence requirements. Was entitled to the above symbols are not mapped to the flyers. The motto should be changed, it is provocative to the right scene opposite. The conditions have been fulfilled, and the concert was held under the theme "Responding to tolerate - for peaceful coexistence of all nations! performed. But it was followed by other editions. The concert should take place only under strict police control. In addition, everyone adds Konzertbesucher_In would be arrested immediately, she / he wear buttons, badges or similar that depict swastikas crossed out. In the case of the concert would have also stopped by the police. So the organizers decided to come into compliance with the GSH take place to the concert can not, because the aim of achieving the public's tiller to not realize was. Come to the demo on 1.3.! early as spring 2007, demonstrated some 40 antifascists spontaneously in the Pinneberger city to ban the concert and the Pinneberger Nazi scene. With a noisy demonstration, we want 1 March on these states to draw attention and make us the fascist ideology in its path. This country has a past and we have a responsibility, that history does not repeat. Therefore we call on you to participate vociferously in the anti-fascist demonstration. Antifascist demonstration 01.03.2008 / 11.00 clock station. Pinneberg Pinneberg shut down camaraderie! No tolerance for Faschist_Innen! Not in Pinneberg and nowhere else!
PS It there a national flags banned, but that's all abandoned as it bypasses
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