exchange I will-we're all human
Some notes on the role reversal understanding on my part
And since we're all human, it does not matter what role I assume, because we are all equal and I could indeed be anyone, no matter. A strange psychological
salutary piece of legislation, this tale of role reversal into the world. Every decent-thinking person believes he would still be decent if he accepted the part of other times. The most beautiful is all done without being asked, so to speak over the heads of those people who find hinweg.Und make it that way my high heaven and the other would definitely agree with that because it just means so good.
This role reversal affects every area of life so to speak, and it can happen before, someone for you to the employment office will replace the time or want to work, or even the place in the warm friend hält.Natürlich to do and is just as if we do not actually one of the claims to be, and then it can in all the roles happen that he is not he, not she's not her, and eventually hold both the ass for what they really are so, because with all the neuaufgekommenen role reversal is crap understandings. as someone so aptly sagte.Ich not take the role of another, and then make myself on their behalf to a man ran, I do not sit in his name at his workplace, I do not plaster on their behalf to his cleaning job, etc. No, something does not do that, and the is it a role reversal, it is socially maladjusted psychological bullying and satisfaction to all the Selbstzufriedenheit.Zu one must say no, because it destroys the man, his identity and eventually leads to schizophrenia if ever there is still time to ist.Mir already happened, that a woman began to flirt with me and be assembled at the role of the man, or even started with the man of her colleague to flirt because she took on the role of women. I wonder: Tick one yet right?
If I'm looking for someone to use I am just for him but I do not take over his role but I take my role and am for him. Sometimes you just want someone to But not as odd bent ich.Das can not continue to go well and sometimes that's just stupid.
do so if someone wants something good, he sets himself in a difficult situation for us as I own. Role reversal is to say the least, beautiful ......
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