Monday, March 31, 2008

Ottawa, Silversmithing Course

Hamburg: 16.04.2008 - Event: "Who Killed Bambi?"

About the regressive need German animal lovers

Hamburg: 16.04.2008 - Event: "Who Killed Bambi?"


"(...) One incident, the people of Nuremberg had been particularly shocked.. Shortly after the liberation were Russian war prisoners and forced laborers from the camp long water towards the city pulled your mood was aggressive and hostile Apparently they wanted to take revenge on the Germans . Heading organized them a barrel of wine and got drunk. In the rush, the group then changed direction and committed a veritable massacre at the Nuremberg Zoo. Bears have been strangled, lions killed, flamingos were pink in no time to grill to round it. »299 innocent creatures have massacred these barbarians. So what cruel can hardly imagine, "indignant, shaking her head in a tram, an older gentleman. (...) "From: Jim G. Tobias and Peter Zinke -" Nakam Jewish revenge on Nazi criminals "2000 / / / More about the animal-loving Germans can be found at the CAFE MORNING LAND



veganism is a fundamental part of the intellectual repertoire German alternative culture. Vegan "kitchens are said" are made of autonomous youth centers, imagine squats and radical leftist summer camps any more than black hooded sweater and guidance to improve the world. The commitment against animal cruelty but seems at first glance not objectionable. But who ever since and Nazis "Go Vegan" shirts will, obviously, that many animal lovers have not loaded completely different ideological munitions. If vegan animal rights activists tell his tale itself from the "forces of evil," from "Vegan Jihad" to dream and its vanguard already the "soft Disappearance of humanity from the earth preaches, "it is clear that behind the decision to forego animal products, is a political concept. aims to show why the animal with their friends execute Antispeziesistische call for the identification of animal and only what is already on the agenda. It should also go to answer the following questions: In what tradition is a vegan animal rights movement? What is the relationship between love of animals and misanthropy? And: Where does the obsessive relationship vegan animal rights activists is to splatter videos from slaughterhouses and pictures of dismembered animals, apparently without any of their campaigns manages?

Organized by the anti-German group Hamburg


16.04.2008 at 19:00 clock / / / HAMBURG VHS-Zentrum Mitte / / / / Hills 75-77 / / / Space 611


Sunday, March 30, 2008

Coleman Evcon Furnace Models

22.05.08-25.05.08 - Film Festival 60 years of Israel

Film Festival 22.05.08-25.05.08


BAD-WEATHER presents:


Thurs 22:05:08

17.00 clock FROZEN DAYS OmU

19.00 clock NOODLES OmU

Fri 23:05:08


19.00 clock MADE IN ISRAEL OmU

Thurs 05/24/2008


19.00 clock NOODLES OmU

Thurs 05/25/2008

17.00 clock MR. TREE OmU

19.00 clock FROZEN DAYS OmU

Location: 3001 Kino More Schanzenstrasse 75 (in courtyard) 20357 Hamburg

program information soon on &

Mastercard Prepaid Cvv

09.05. - 11.05. - Germany wonderful congress in Bremen

Germany miracle
desire and madness in the post-Nazi culture

Congress against reconciliation with the German nation
9th to 11 May 2008 in Bremen

The editors group kittkritik (in cooperation with the Rosa Luxembourg Initiative Bremen and the Rosa Luxembourg Foundation, with financial support from the Solidarity Fund of the Hans Böckler Foundation) invites you to "Germany miracle" Congress. In lectures and workshops, the authors of the book their contributions among others on the importance of family present, generational and gender relations, post-fascist entity structure, anti-Semitism, German victim discourse, etc., using examples from movies, radio and computer games, sports, literature, art and pop music.

starting point is the current, since 1990, newly forming German national consciousness in its relationship to culture industry representations of National Socialism: In addition to the ongoing stylization of German at the moment as victims of Auschwitz, the integration occurs in the media (re) productions of German memory work as a social, Kitt ', in which the nation is the collective object of identification.

It should be about the relationship between nationalism and German, dealing with the past 'as the core of the criticism of collective and individual guilt defense strategies to reflect and thereby focus on the importance of the German generation ratio - pay - especially that of the grandson and Nazi perpetrators generation . The new candor in dealing with the history, in dealing with the experiences of their grandparents, the wish at the World Cup once carefree "black-red-hot" to be making the third perpetrators generation the protagonist of a new post-Nazi national sentiment, which developed in that culture and from this developed the 1945 essential elements of the national socialist consciousness and the
» articles on Wikipedia "
Semitism in the postwar democratic society led

venues. Kioto - warehouse Schildstr 12-19, 2nd floor / infoshop Bremen, St. Paulistr.10
-12. applications to

participation fee € 15 / 10 €


Friday, 05/09 .

18:00 to 22:00
opening lecture

Tobias Ebbrecht
Love the picture - nostalgia fetish, dialectic. The image in the memory culture

Saturday, 10.05.

10:00 to 12:00
Sonja Witte
Am "point where psychoanalysis quits': Freud's puzzle of mass education

12:15 to 13:45
Lars Lippmann
" Order in the eye of the storm "- The II.Weltkrieg strategy game Silent Storm

Sonja Witte
The Miracle of Bern - Catharsis of the nation

15:30 to 17:00
Eric Peters & Dierck Wittenberg
Stars Down to Earth - about the relationship of pop, nation and artists subject in times of new German self-consciousness

Lars Quadfasel
A dream of post-fascism - Germans and their football

17:15 to 18:45
Magnus claw
Institutionalised symbiosis - to about the 'German-Jewish dialogue' in German literature

Till Harning
One Who Set Forth victims - Fassbinder's "war films" between criticism of post-fascism and the victim discourse

20:00 to 21:30
Lars Quadfasel
means Fun in German steel bath - Theses on Culture Industry, National Socialism and Post Fascism

Film: Mr game (D / JUG 1964; Director: Wolfgang Staudte), Introduction by Tobias Ebbrecht [in CINEMA Ostertor]

as well: Party

Sunday, 11.05.
10:00 a.m. to 11:30
Sebastian Winter
Aryan anti-fascism - gender images as a medium of cultural and industrial processing of memories of National Socialism with the example of the film The Downfall, Sophie Scholl and Napola

Tobias Ebbrecht
separation: how the cinematic story of War and National Socialism, the images of the Holocaust superimposed

11:45 to 13:15
Jean-Philip Baeck & Volker Beeck
With Judo against vodka Bruno, slum landlords and tithe Dr. Mubase. TKKG - a post-Nazi youth crime

Antonia Schmid
The "War" as a full wash cycle - for the universalization of the victim in the TV two-parter Dresden

14:15 to 16:00
final podium


Who wants us to support the application, may like to order posters and flyers for us (also ) or incorporate one of the following banners on a website.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Mysore Mallige Blue Films Free

International conference "The Iranian threat. The Islamic Republic, Israel's struggle for existence and European reactions "

Of 3 until May 4, finds him Vienna: International conference "The Iranian threat, the Islamic Republic, Israel's struggle for existence and European reactions." held here once a social program and other information from the "Stop the Bomb Alliance

We would like to point to our international conference "The Iranian threat. The Islamic Republic, Israel's struggle for existence and European reactions, on 3 and 4 take place May in Vienna.

STOP THE BOMB - Coalition against the Iranian extermination program ------ International KonferenzDie BedrohungDie Iranian Islamic Republic, Israel Struggle for existence and European Reaktionen3. and 4 May 2008, Campus of the University of Vienna (Altes AKH), Hof 2, Lecture Hall C1Alserstraße/Spitalgasse, tram 5, 33, 43, 44Konferenzsprachen: German / English with simultaneous translation Please allow time for admission control ein.Ehrenschutz: Dr. Brigitte Bailer-Galanda , Chamber of actress Elisabeth Orth

program :
Saturday 3 May 200819.30
Introduction and Greetings Simone Dinah Hartmann (STOP THE BOMB - Coalition against the Iranian extermination program) Dr. Ruth Contreras (Scholars for Peace in the Middle East)

Dr. Joanna Nittenberg (Illustrated New World), 20:00 to 22:00 Round table : The Iranian threat: Islamism, anti-Semitism, the nuclear program paolo Casaca (MEP, Socialist Group, Portugal) Dr. Patrick Clawson (Deputy Director of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, USA) Yossi Melman (Haaretz journalist, Israel), Prof. Benny Morris (historian, Ben Gurion University Israel) Chair: Simone Dinah Hartmann (STOP THE BOMB spokesperson)

Sunday 4 May 2008 10:30 to 12:15 Political Islam in Iran and the global DjihadismusMenashe Amir (Former Director of the Persian radio in "Kol Israel" (the Voice of Israel)): Ideological and religious motivation in Iranian domestic and AußenpolitikNiloofar Beyzaie (theater director and author of Tehran, since 1985 in exile in Germany, women's rights activist): Women and minorities in Iran florian Markl (political scientist, Humboldt University Berlin): The global jihadism and its Iranian supporters moderation: Alex Gruber (lecturer Department of Political Science in Vienna)

12:30 to 14:15 criticism of appeasement : Iran and the Islamic anti-Semitism as a challenge for Israel and EuropaDr. Matthias Küntzel (political scientist, President Scholars for Peace in the Middle East, Hamburg): Missed Europe the time to act? Dr. Michael Oren (historian at the Shalem Center in Jerusalem, Israel): Israel's worst nightmare - the threat of Iranian nuclear weapons program Bruno Schirra (journalist and author, Berlin): The European illusions about Iran and Islam Chair: Dr. Elisabeth Pittermann (Former City Councillor in Vienna )

15:15 to 17:00 The Austria-Iran relations and the Nazi VergangenheitHiwa Bahrami (Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran): The Austrian appeasement PolitikDr. Stephan Grigat (Café Critique, lecturer Department of Political Science in Vienna): The Austria-Iranian friendship - Foreign Policy in the Post-nazism Robert Schindel (writer, Vienna): The Austrian memory moderation: Michaela Sivich (journalist)

17:15 to 19:00 Round table : The need for a new anti-fascism Simone Dinah Hartmann (Speaker STOP THE BOMB) Prof. Jeffrey Herf (historian, University of Maryland, College Park, USA) Kayvan Kabouli (Green Party of Iran, Los Angeles, USA) Thomas von der Osten-Sacken (Political Analyst and Director of Wadi e. V. Germany) Moderator: Dr. Stephan Grigat (Lecturer Institute for political science Vienna)

questions: DI Simone Dinah HartmannTel. +43,650,344 88 58Email:

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Lifetime Fitness Memberships Cost

anti-Semitic demonstration in Duisburg-field - 15.03.2008

on Saturday for an anti-Semitic 3.15 refers demonstration took place in Duisburg, we support any counter-protest against this Anti-Semitic and anti-Americanism tables demonstration. The benefits of this demo is only the, for bringing unimaginable hatred against America and Israel expressed.
detailed information call the Antifa Duisburg, with its contents, we are all flying in unison.

calling the Antifa Duisburg:

On Saturday 15/03/2008 the march will cross front of the learning INITIATIVE eV through the district of Duisburg-field. Motto of the march is (the original) "Stop the occupation of Iraq and Palestine ! ! German troops out of Afghanistan "

gain support of INITIATIVE eV again by the usual suspects, including from the INITIATIVE eV dominated the network against law - Duisburg, the Islamist HDR Duisburg (officially renamed the group as the Human Rights Association and is the Protection of the Constitution monitored MILLI GÖRUS Association nah), the Peace Forum Duisburg (consisting of about 4 persons the same certificates with the DKP Duisburg), and various Turkish / Kurdish associations and groups.

managed in recent years, there are so accessible to the 150 people on the streets Duisburg, where they openly their hatred of Israel and the U.S. were used. The demonstration begins at 11:00 am before the clock Paul Church in High Field and will then probably go right through to high field in the inner city (Kuhtor) . Draw An alternative route to the When Heimer would Street (a main road leading through the district) down.

At completion point, it is likely to experience, then come hate speech of the various groups. As more and came back at the events, or with the INITIATIVE eV attacks against Antifas will come in groups to accompany the demonstration. Observed

was that the INITIATIVE eV lately active again reinforced in Duisburg and the Ruhr area. Although the group only max. 6-8 people there, they could find on most relevant to them and demonstration events. They were among last part in the demonstration last Saturday in Dusseldorf (Stop the Holocaust in Gaza ).

In Duisburg himself, were in the area of Duisburg downtown Duisburg-field and Duisburg Duissern stuck stickers on which promoted the INITIATIVE eV for the right to honor killings, suitcase bombers and Sharia by to any critical discussion of the "Islamic practice" forbade.

In Duisburg, they can allow this easily, as they are a small group in quite an exposed position. Seem neither Left Party, a lot of other left groups and associations to have reservations about to demonstrate to the INITIATIVE eV together, discuss or sogn . Solidarity parties to celebrate.

This seems to lead back to that INITIATIVE eV a network of personal contacts built up in Duisburg has to be able at any time access to personal and financial support back. These structures will be detailed in the near future once illuminate.

Initially there will be a better idea of the various protagonists, and their functions and responsibilities within the various Duisburg groups, clubs and parties. We will also deal with the contacts outside the FRG, purporting to be another leg of the INITIATIVE eV. And finally we want to try a preliminary review of the recent actions of the INITIATIVE eV create, to the question of how future as anti-fascists, the political life of the Intiative can complicate eV.

No award, no tug forgotten German perpetrators to light! No peace to the enemies of Israel!


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Corrigan Brent Streaming

Nazi rally on May 1 in Barmbek

reserve Ever to: On May 1
want free and partisan nationalists from Hamburg, Barmbek . march The Germans march under the slogan "Work and social justice for all Germans -
Together against globalization," the halt standard stuff.
We will also write their own call for the counter-demo, for you of course see here will .-
start of the demo is at 12:00 on the clock S- Barmbek (output Wiesendamm)
See also:
And the call to complete the Germans:
counter-mobilization is also under this link there are all information about the other activities on May 1. given perhaps this:

For the first May 2008 Nazis plan from among the NPD and the so-called "Free Nationalists" in Hamburg, a demonstration under the supposedly capitalism critical slogan "Labour and social justice for all Germans! - Together against globalization "!. To date, mobilized to relevant sites on the Internet for 12:00 clock to the U-and S-Bahnhof Barmbek , output Wiesendamm.

It is likely that this is at this demonstration at the central, northern Germany to act demonstration of neo-Nazi scene: more than enough reason to prevent this.

news, information and tips on the march planned avowed Nazis and Fascists result in a fiasco to let her place in the near future here - the countdown is on!

And this:

On 1 May in Hamburg, it is the 'central' Nazi march of the fascists to prevent. Come to the parades and rallies ( € Mayday -.!. Rev May '08 - trade union policy May 1 - etc.) and displays the Nazis, that Hamburg is more willing after the elections in February than ever, the Fascists to Worch to show the finger.
For the first May 2008 Nazis plan from among the NPD and the so-called "Free Nationalists" in Hamburg a demonstration under the supposedly capitalism critical slogan "Work and social justice for all Germans! - Together against globalization "!. To date, mobilized to relevant sites on the Internet for 12:00 clock to the U-and S-Bahnhof Barmbek , output Wiesendamm. It is expected that it should be, for this demonstration been thinking about the central, national demonstration of the German neo-Nazi scene: more than enough reason to prevent this. news, information and tips on the march planned avowed Nazis and fascists result in a fiasco to let her place in the near future here - the countdown running! you involved 'unpaulitisch ' at the debate in stpauli -. forum de!!

So call follows ....