Germany miracle
desire and madness in the post-Nazi culture
Congress against reconciliation with the German nation
9th to 11 May 2008 in Bremen
The editors group kittkritik (in cooperation with the Rosa Luxembourg Initiative Bremen and the Rosa Luxembourg Foundation, with financial support from the Solidarity Fund of the Hans Böckler Foundation) invites you to "Germany miracle" Congress. In lectures and workshops, the authors of the book their contributions among others on the importance of family present, generational and gender relations, post-fascist entity structure, anti-Semitism, German victim discourse, etc., using examples from movies, radio and computer games, sports, literature, art and pop music.
starting point is the current, since 1990, newly forming German national consciousness in its relationship to culture industry representations of National Socialism: In addition to the ongoing stylization of German at the moment as victims of Auschwitz, the integration occurs in the media (re) productions of German memory work as a social, Kitt ', in which the nation is the collective object of identification.
It should be about the relationship between nationalism and German, dealing with the past 'as the core of the criticism of collective and individual guilt defense strategies to reflect and thereby focus on the importance of the German generation ratio - pay - especially that of the grandson and Nazi perpetrators generation . The new candor in dealing with the history, in dealing with the experiences of their grandparents, the wish at the World Cup once carefree "black-red-hot" to be making the third perpetrators generation the protagonist of a new post-Nazi national sentiment, which developed in that culture and from this developed the 1945 essential elements of the national socialist consciousness and the
» articles on Wikipedia "
Semitism in the postwar democratic society led
venues. Kioto - warehouse Schildstr 12-19, 2nd floor / infoshop Bremen, St. Paulistr.10
info@kittkritik.net applications to
participation fee € 15 / 10 €
Friday, 05/09 .
18:00 to 22:00
opening lecture
Tobias Ebbrecht
Love the picture - nostalgia fetish, dialectic. The image in the memory culture
Saturday, 10.05.
10:00 to 12:00
Sonja Witte
Am "point where psychoanalysis quits': Freud's puzzle of mass education
12:15 to 13:45
Lars Lippmann
" Order in the eye of the storm "- The II.Weltkrieg strategy game Silent Storm
Sonja Witte
The Miracle of Bern - Catharsis of the nation
15:30 to 17:00
Eric Peters & Dierck Wittenberg
Stars Down to Earth - about the relationship of pop, nation and artists subject in times of new German self-consciousness
Lars Quadfasel
A dream of post-fascism - Germans and their football
17:15 to 18:45
Magnus claw
Institutionalised symbiosis - to about the 'German-Jewish dialogue' in German literature
Till Harning
One Who Set Forth victims - Fassbinder's "war films" between criticism of post-fascism and the victim discourse
20:00 to 21:30
Lars Quadfasel
means Fun in German steel bath - Theses on Culture Industry, National Socialism and Post Fascism
Film: Mr game (D / JUG 1964; Director: Wolfgang Staudte), Introduction by Tobias Ebbrecht [in CINEMA Ostertor]
as well: Party
Sunday, 11.05.
10:00 a.m. to 11:30
Sebastian Winter
Aryan anti-fascism - gender images as a medium of cultural and industrial processing of memories of National Socialism with the example of the film The Downfall, Sophie Scholl and Napola
Tobias Ebbrecht
separation: how the cinematic story of War and National Socialism, the images of the Holocaust superimposed
11:45 to 13:15
Jean-Philip Baeck & Volker Beeck
With Judo against vodka Bruno, slum landlords and tithe Dr. Mubase. TKKG - a post-Nazi youth crime
Antonia Schmid
The "War" as a full wash cycle - for the universalization of the victim in the TV two-parter Dresden
14:15 to 16:00
final podium
Who wants us to support the application, may like to order posters and flyers for us (also info@kittkritik.net ) or incorporate one of the following banners on a website.
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