Of 3 until May 4, finds him Vienna: International conference "The Iranian threat, the Islamic Republic, Israel's struggle for existence and European reactions." held here once a social program and other information from the "Stop the Bomb Alliance
We would like to point to our international conference "The Iranian threat. The Islamic Republic, Israel's struggle for existence and European reactions, on 3 and 4 take place May in Vienna.
STOP THE BOMB - Coalition against the Iranian extermination program ------ International KonferenzDie BedrohungDie Iranian Islamic Republic, Israel Struggle for existence and European Reaktionen3. and 4 May 2008, Campus of the University of Vienna (Altes AKH), Hof 2, Lecture Hall C1Alserstraße/Spitalgasse, tram 5, 33, 43, 44Konferenzsprachen: German / English with simultaneous translation Please allow time for admission control ein.Ehrenschutz: Dr. Brigitte Bailer-Galanda , Chamber of actress Elisabeth Orth
program :
Saturday 3 May 200819.30 Introduction and Greetings Simone Dinah Hartmann (STOP THE BOMB - Coalition against the Iranian extermination program) Dr. Ruth Contreras (Scholars for Peace in the Middle East)
Saturday 3 May 200819.30 Introduction and Greetings Simone Dinah Hartmann (STOP THE BOMB - Coalition against the Iranian extermination program) Dr. Ruth Contreras (Scholars for Peace in the Middle East)
Dr. Joanna Nittenberg (Illustrated New World), 20:00 to 22:00 Round table : The Iranian threat: Islamism, anti-Semitism, the nuclear program paolo Casaca (MEP, Socialist Group, Portugal) Dr. Patrick Clawson (Deputy Director of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, USA) Yossi Melman (Haaretz journalist, Israel), Prof. Benny Morris (historian, Ben Gurion University Israel) Chair: Simone Dinah Hartmann (STOP THE BOMB spokesperson)
Sunday 4 May 2008 10:30 to 12:15 Political Islam in Iran and the global DjihadismusMenashe Amir (Former Director of the Persian radio in "Kol Israel" (the Voice of Israel)): Ideological and religious motivation in Iranian domestic and AußenpolitikNiloofar Beyzaie (theater director and author of Tehran, since 1985 in exile in Germany, women's rights activist): Women and minorities in Iran florian Markl (political scientist, Humboldt University Berlin): The global jihadism and its Iranian supporters moderation: Alex Gruber (lecturer Department of Political Science in Vienna)
12:30 to 14:15 criticism of appeasement : Iran and the Islamic anti-Semitism as a challenge for Israel and EuropaDr. Matthias Küntzel (political scientist, President Scholars for Peace in the Middle East, Hamburg): Missed Europe the time to act? Dr. Michael Oren (historian at the Shalem Center in Jerusalem, Israel): Israel's worst nightmare - the threat of Iranian nuclear weapons program Bruno Schirra (journalist and author, Berlin): The European illusions about Iran and Islam Chair: Dr. Elisabeth Pittermann (Former City Councillor in Vienna )
15:15 to 17:00 The Austria-Iran relations and the Nazi VergangenheitHiwa Bahrami (Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran): The Austrian appeasement PolitikDr. Stephan Grigat (Café Critique, lecturer Department of Political Science in Vienna): The Austria-Iranian friendship - Foreign Policy in the Post-nazism Robert Schindel (writer, Vienna): The Austrian memory moderation: Michaela Sivich (journalist)
17:15 to 19:00 Round table : The need for a new anti-fascism Simone Dinah Hartmann (Speaker STOP THE BOMB) Prof. Jeffrey Herf (historian, University of Maryland, College Park, USA) Kayvan Kabouli (Green Party of Iran, Los Angeles, USA) Thomas von der Osten-Sacken (Political Analyst and Director of Wadi e. V. Germany) Moderator: Dr. Stephan Grigat (Lecturer Institute for political science Vienna)
questions: DI Simone Dinah HartmannTel. +43,650,344 88 58Email: info@stopthebomb.net
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