the Nazi march on 04.12.2008 in Stolberg prevent! met
in Stolberg near Aachen on 4 April. 2008 eine Gruppe, in der sich Neonazis befanden, who came on that date by an NPD event to another group in which there were migrants. Between these groups there was a fight, was stabbed to death in their wake a man from the former group.
This debate is now used by the extreme right, to fueling racist pogrom mood. Since the weekend, they try to legitimize their racist violence offensively with the death of the young man. The racist hatred erupted in a spontaneous demonstration of neo-Nazi scene NRW's last Saturday (5:04:08) in Stolberg. An immigrant neo-Nazi organizations chanted slogans like "No forgiveness, no forgetting, Turks have names and addresses".
provide the same time, neo-Nazis as victims; they do a picture of constant persecution "of the German" feature, the nationalists and leftists by migrants, covered by the media and politics. So they want to justify their racism and bring about a cultural division of society into two blocks which face each other hostile.
is long exploited the dead and declared his death a myth, then it shall be the West German neo-Nazi scene as a soldier killed in battle, as "martyrs for the national (socialist) e thing '. What the neo-Nazi scene just tried, is a symbolic date to construct a major event, with the nation-if Europe is not a cause can be established for Deployment process.
The scene itself is already attracting a comparison with the Swedish Salem, where in 2000 a neo-Nazi was killed in a clash with migrants. Since then there annually hosts one of the largest Nazi parades in Europe. Since it was first neo-Nazi organizations to represent their deployment as a funeral march, the public has not reacted.
Even in these days is sold by Nazi propaganda as a racist community grieving. From the pre-trial detainees seated, sometimes, a Syrian, a Lebanese times, even a Turk, Russian, always a "foreigners". In the vicinity of the place, the Nazis a meter-wide swastika smeared. Out of grief, of course.
has long been the Hamburg Christian Worch one of the leading German neo-Nazis, blood licked and intervened in the debate. Almost happy this situation is interpreted and "German normality" sold. Sold as is 'proof' for a 'clash of civilizations', which promoted incessantly by the political right and fanned.
for next Saturday, 12.4, call AG Rhineland and Worcester on a further demonstration. This should begin at the mill station, ie in the immigrant quarters of Stolberg. At 4.26, the NPD will also re-pay their fascist propaganda in Stolberg on the streets. Not to mention
to refer not stand against the racist propaganda or even to play down this means: Nazis to leave the room to exploit this incident for their inhuman, fascist, crushing politics.
Come on 04.12.2008 to Stolberg, bring your friends, are many, be creative!
and solidarity - against racist propaganda!
No new annual pilgrimage for neo-Nazis!
beginning of the anti-racist demonstration: 10 am, Mills Station, Stolberg
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