Monday, May 12, 2008

Denise Milani Has Milk

60 years of Israel and certainly not enough

60 years of Israel and certainly not enough

On 2 November 1917, said the British government through its Foreign Minister, Lord Balfour, that Britain supported the Zionist idea and Israel will help to establish in Palestine.
60 years of Israel and not far enough

On 2 November 1917, said the British government through its Foreign Minister, Lord Balfour, that Britain supported the Zionist idea and Israel will help to establish in Palestine. About 30 years later it came on 14 May 1948 the State of Israel and that was for many Jewish women and Jews a safe haven to live to be created. The starting point for the state is primarily the protection of Jews, or what, to be pursued as such. The state and the military is therefore of paramount importance and self-defense a necessity.

people belonging to the Jewish faith are persecuted for centuries of years, humiliated and murdered. Even in the Middle Ages, Jews for poisoning the wells and the plague are guilty. The consequences were expelled and / or death at the stake. Even in Arab countries like Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine, there were regular riots and revolts against Jews. 1941 Jews were driven out of Iraq because of its unavoidable Zionist thought and murdered. In 1938, infected by the German National Socialism, he came to Alexandria and Cairo (Egypt) to violent spontaneous demonstrations. Sayings such as "Jews out of Egypt and Palestine", and flyers with anti-Semitic content dominated the picture. But the high point in the history of the industrial extermination, the Shoah (Holocaust). 6 million people lost their lives due to anti-Semitic German madness.

But anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism are not part of the past, today there are still those horror. Only does this (usually) against the state Israel. In addition to right-wing parties and organizations is the overwhelming German company set hostile to Israel and still cling to absurd world conspiracy theories. Are also recover within (radical) left circles of blind anti-Americanism and anti-Zionism. Thus, solidarity, the "left" with Palestine and calls for the "occupier Israel" in the country admit to the "oppressed" people, the Palestinians back. But the biggest threat right now next to the "Hamas" and all other totalitarian "liberation" organizations such as the "Al Qaeda" is based on Iran. By nuclear program and a highly anti-Semitic commitment, as part of the annual "Holocaust deniers conference" on the right-wing extremists from all over the world, this is a threatening state of Israel and all other "Western" nations.

Solidarity with Israel should and must be a necessity and the terrible crimes anti-Semitic groups, states and organizations will be convicted.

Happy Birthday, 60 years is long enough!

source: INDY


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