Born 1947 in Kyoto. Monk since 22 Years, studying philosophy and Buddhology in Tokyo, Zen training at Sakai Tokugen Roshi and Roshi Kawase Genko convent education in Eiheiji. Since 1979 in Germany. Since 1996, spiritual leader of the Zen Center in the Bavarian

In his book Zen - because we are men "(Theseus Verlag, 2003) he outlines of Zen practice in relation to daily life on "Zen can not be a gimmick and no escape from everyday life. Buddhism has nothing to do with euphoria and enthusiasm that is unnecessary. Really important is for your own life to be and that is, live it completely. That's what the Zen, the Buddha-teaching and in everyday life "
The monastery Daihizan Fumonji name means in German" mountain of the great compassion and place of the universal gate "-. A wonderful place with friendly, concentrated and very humorous man.

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