four weeks I've moved in the street sale of the Brandenburger Tor in Berlin.
from my nice wallpaper images I have postcard size print, all in a basket of put and hand embroidered with broad bands, even from my mother to cross stitch, secure and so my first self to hand craft vendor's tray, or rather belly baskets gemacht.Die Poskarten looking very pretty, yet a little easy, but it is original and not everyone has something to offer.
Well, so I had never done noh, but I always wanted to produce something and sell themselves, and now was the opportunity came. And, given my ongoing financial crisis and my everlasting rejection of 1.5 € jobs and much more, I also found myself forced into the action and enforce from the cold water and swimming. This must be said that it was very warm and I had a noh bast hat for a € on the head. Folklore in any case, my skirt was too long, well I came directly from the Synagoge.Mein son said, but rather lay cards.
I left all doubt behind me and said each person to meet me kam.Alles fixed and louder voice beamed to as if it is nothing more beautiful stralte and the same for each Absage.Ich me directly interfered in the fray, where there was the bear and the soldiers and talk to people there, too. A man looked at my cards to interested and I eagerly awaited the first sale. No, he said, I can not help it, but a map like that, but here you have 2 €, but a card that I will nee nicht.Meine motivational fell to the dismay and horror I genaus abgelehnt.Erleichterung but, at the the first day I had at least 6 or 7 cards sold and went home tired but happy and totally makes it easier, I did not have to be embarrassed.
Some days I have sold well and some not, as in real life. And I was thinking only one location and not centuries, and this was the normal sales volume, I do. I have sold to different people and so were the different tastes, I have sold the best because I just Bär.Vielleicht stand.Aber at the Brandenburg Gate, the other motifs were in demand. There was even demand this and that and I have created a new collection of cards (see left: heart) who also wants to better quality printed werden.Und then again I do street sales before I would finally get the cards in trade (hopefully) .
I have a few more times so given money and get passed and adopted and a little bit, it was also recorded pity purchases, and I was asked whether that would be a project of Sun Well, basically it was a project of sample sales, and it was diletantisch and I looked like Mary Poppins with my hat and the Hand Embroidered Belly shop, but I had interested buyers and I have self-produced and verkauft.Also reached a goal .
On the first day a guard came and I was afraid he asks me for my business or Erlaubnisschein.Aber, no, as I looked like granny do it yourself, it just made me aware that I may sell on the street like a little but do not sell in the area of Denkmalschutzes.Hat all be so good, I was allowed.
I have nice colleagues had what I even after weeks already noticed. The bear waved with the soldier saluted me and the man in black as well. Bicycle taxis there and hurdy-gurdy player, musician and rap band, choirs sang, young people have demonstrated and visitors were mostly from anywhere with a serious face against the door as if the Berlin Wall had not yet taken place. Many guides went by with their groups, and several times I was asked was where is the wall and whether we live in West or East Berlin standen.Ein lucky I am gefahren.Wir had 30 years ago with friends in Berlin at the time of the Brandenburg Gate Viewed from the west and I can remember the soldiers with their rifles as they stood there and at this time really all still silently sorrowful faces were before. And I could tell you all and also with serious mien nickend.Irgendwie I thought it was good, as a witness. A
Sintifamilie was my constant companion. They asked everyone: do you speak english and begged a little money and lots of Pfandflaschen.Auch a sign of the people that the returnable bottles were so unnecessary, the money probably exceeded by far the daily receipts..
happen Sometimes, special events. The interior space of Brandenbuger gate was locked since been covered for the big sign for the homeless and had President war.Also I choose a stall walk past demm all had, and that was the hotel Atlon, well known, well known to most and I felt as if I even ever heard the name hatte.Als I started offering the cards are joined by a Roma man to me with his accordion playing and the guests from the hotel Atlon vor.Ich something that was funny and was amused but would anzubieten.Man EQUALITY was also strange at the same time we were zusammen.Und my card I had my long black coat on. But, what luck, the Sintifamilie came and sought her father ud probably it was clear no, until moving Sinti woman was not to be. But I was able to get an idea of how this is so.
So these were my experiences during these four weeks and the next will follow soon, yes, and then we will continue to see what it has wird.mir it definitely fun gemacht.Aber courage one needs a little bit, honestly.