has now acquired more bread on 8 April (!) Given (up-load) broken promises and relatively few photographs. For this purpose was a "knighted" by my highly esteemed colleague Frank Vinken, which I personally think one of the "big ones" in the editorial photography in the Ruhr. He told me times as casually, that he was on my blog to visit and my closeness to the subject and the people I take pictures of each, estimated. My title (fishing for compliments), I would be primarily Text and image combiner, as he did with: "Oh nonsense - I am!" - Here is a link to his current activities:

to Vink (after several tenured years) completion of the release by the WAZ group (as one of the 300 of 900 editorial employees) can be incidentally follow show the current media clearcutting and covers with the "Group" the land of the Rhine and Ruhr - awakens after years of gluttony and sleepy to now under the influence of acute over-riding Zung order striking: http://www.medienmoral-nrw.de/
But finally we are indeed in Ruhrevier at home ', as the model for citizen participation in community radio ok.43 NRW installed. bye bashfully at the beginning of the year with the words:
"The Open Channel Essen eV operation has set" (Essen, 01.01.2009)
This step is necessary because the media commission is the proposal from the LfM-NRW (State Media Authority) in the future not allocate sufficient funds or a license.
We thank all our viewers and users for the long-standing loyalty!
your team OK43 "
It's supposed to have been really would Überrraschend not it?. Life in the Rhine and Ruhr has indeed always based on the whole, the " Union of the firm hand " acts continue.
reason, and instead some nice pictures of the dance performance MOHA (see above), in which beautiful women ecstatic on the grounds of "Goal 2" and the Ruhr Atoll Hall sprained floured and covered with milk. Thanks to Julia Nesterova, Han Heng-Li Chang and Zanin!
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