Car2go: The new, successful replacement of the environmental association?
Car2go celebrates after less than 100 days of public pilot of the 10,000 customers. This is a respectable result. With 10,000 registered users has Car2go win based on the population much more participants may be the most successful car-sharing operator in 15 years.
But you have to have in mind that Car2go first large scale "given away" the car-sharing participation. Would this make the classic car clubs and such number of participants would not be unrealistic.
records after 100 days, a little clearer out how the use is. There will be 500-1000 uses. The use takes about 15 minutes. So that the vehicles about 1 hour a day on the go. The number of trips is less than 1% of the volume of public transport in Ulm dar. Based on the individual participants is so far an average of 0.1 trips per day and participants, average in Germany of 3.3 trips per day. Whether providing the averages a suitable picture, you can say serious because the dispersion is unknown. As the Süddeutsche
in May provocative "Adieu public transport" was the headline, often a bus ride or walk through a Car2go ride will be replaced. The third frequent mention of the ride into town (also instead of having a car). Perhaps the free parking of Car2go motivate the parking garages downtown are your own car to leave.
It is not an issue to create your own car. That would hardly in the sense of an automotive company. The non-abolition may be also due to the pilot character of Car2go. For yet no one knows how long it will Car2go in Ulm. Although
suggests that rides the environmental alliance will be replaced, the question is which? It is currently the percentage of public transport use that is most unpleasant without a car? If this were the case, but Car2go would have a complementary (as a substitute) function for the environmental group.
The success to date suggests, however, also indicated that activities such as Car2go possibly can be economical, because at 5 trips a day is no longer light-years from cost recovery, but this does not mean that rate of return expectations can be met by companies.
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