Hertz buys Eileo: The car-sharing software on the strategic target
The message "Hertz Acquires Eileo" first acts mainly from the German perspective as an international side note. The car-sharing software providers and inverse cantamen / EBuS interest as a competitor, it has more, because now they know why Hertz has opted for the more inexperienced software company from France. Eileo could buy (probably relatively cheap) completely.
With this step, a development in the background even more evident. Large suppliers want to be at best to the initial and transitional "normal" customers of a car-sharing software or a system level. In the long term it must be "their" software. Hertz said in unison and say, German Railways, Sixt, DaimlerChrysler, VW, Zipcar, Avis, etc.
But there is also a change to the experiments in the last ten years: the big companies are well established, that in car-sharing system puts a lot of know how. So does the purchase of an existing software now much more rewarding to have to because there was so much to protect against a variety of car-sharing experience itself does not make.
Again, the German car-sharing industry feels in principle with four software vendors in a good position. If you look around the world (and considered only those vendors who sell software to car-sharing providers with at least 100 vehicles), the world has to buy Eileo only two other software providers. From that total of six software providers worldwide, including four majority car-sharing providers (Mobility / MobiSoft, cantamen / EBuS, DB and cambio). Stay 2 companies (inverse and the friendly U.S. duo metavera / opencar.net) that are "free".
The importance of inverse in the German car-sharing, the "acquiring" culture is the large companies but then strategically relevant, German, even for the well-established market.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Actresses Showing Their Breasts
Jingle ....
... even in the intimacy of the blog world, public - To whomever it might concern! The obligation to care web-calls: Not in the web = not in the world! I will regularly upload new images. to update so a picture of my life-long favorite stars since Antonioni's "Blow Up": Venessa Redgrave - photographed at a PK at the Ruhr Triennale about Abu Ghraib.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Can A Migraine Last For Days
What other women do so.
What other women do so. do
course I am like other women their "third age" be set up or plan wollen.Und I am pleased to report if any or leave comments or write in this blog is also a small contribution. Maybe do some write their success story of which you cut off a slice can be copied, because find their own style, is certainly to the success concept.
I learn good on PHP example, and SQL, I would like to write their own forums, guest books and blogs and I need to learn quite a long dafür.Überhaupt autodidactic takes more time than if you attended a course, only interlocutor can be found in forums and can not always be hope to help (with exceptions) as well as the still-young learners do not know more and write more than any arcane verschnörkelnden scripts are nowhere to be seen in the textbook and I also what to do with weiss.Nun I finally created a nice form in html and php , simple, clear and overviewed and am going now towards SQL, or not knowing how the data php page in the database come soll.Aber that will come, after all, everything is free, and time, I also enough.
You can also learn languages, or telemarketing. And are also in the employment office repeatedly qualification units for which one does not need a training voucher, which is free, but also a practical example beeinhaltet.ZB a cash card can be made. Training for POS scanners including 3-month internship. Has anyone ever thought of freiberuflichliche cash jumper to be?
Keep your eyes peeled and also collect much information on the measures authorities and training bodies, maybe there is this one way or another suggestion.
What other women do so. do
course I am like other women their "third age" be set up or plan wollen.Und I am pleased to report if any or leave comments or write in this blog is also a small contribution. Maybe do some write their success story of which you cut off a slice can be copied, because find their own style, is certainly to the success concept.
I learn good on PHP example, and SQL, I would like to write their own forums, guest books and blogs and I need to learn quite a long dafür.Überhaupt autodidactic takes more time than if you attended a course, only interlocutor can be found in forums and can not always be hope to help (with exceptions) as well as the still-young learners do not know more and write more than any arcane verschnörkelnden scripts are nowhere to be seen in the textbook and I also what to do with weiss.Nun I finally created a nice form in html and php , simple, clear and overviewed and am going now towards SQL, or not knowing how the data php page in the database come soll.Aber that will come, after all, everything is free, and time, I also enough.
You can also learn languages, or telemarketing. And are also in the employment office repeatedly qualification units for which one does not need a training voucher, which is free, but also a practical example beeinhaltet.ZB a cash card can be made. Training for POS scanners including 3-month internship. Has anyone ever thought of freiberuflichliche cash jumper to be?
Keep your eyes peeled and also collect much information on the measures authorities and training bodies, maybe there is this one way or another suggestion.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Sinus Rinse For Stuffy Nose
wallpaper images
What now? Was the question and I have to do anything. At my age still do a proper job and emigrate then without money? "No, that was something new to learn unrealistisch.Also without physical exertion, something you can do with 70, something to take what we can, but what?
First, I learned the basics of Blender, a 3D program free of charge, made very nice progress, thinking about game design or something. Made me think how to make 2d and 3d nor did my few pictures to give figures. But Blender consists only of graphs and graphs where 2 are occupied just missing the dritte.Gut I thought you have to fill in the simple with values, just like that. But hey read about the I saw this is an area of research in computer science and until I have studied are the ready and überhaupt.Mein son thought anyway because what I wanted in game design, because I had never played a game. Agreed, and the things I can not anyway. Now I had already started to produce pictures of natural materials (typically women) and found myself tinkering. What are you doing, I thought, so old that you tinker? And in times of need. ... And the fate of someone talking so childish ... yes and that's what it was.
was now my second drive. wwww.Tapetenbilder-kinder.de
The images are unfinished, I'm not an artist but are getting better and I hope a wallpaper company or porcelain company, the experiment makes the bold but beautiful Images dared umzusetzen.Vielleicht but at least something new.
What now? Was the question and I have to do anything. At my age still do a proper job and emigrate then without money? "No, that was something new to learn unrealistisch.Also without physical exertion, something you can do with 70, something to take what we can, but what?
First, I learned the basics of Blender, a 3D program free of charge, made very nice progress, thinking about game design or something. Made me think how to make 2d and 3d nor did my few pictures to give figures. But Blender consists only of graphs and graphs where 2 are occupied just missing the dritte.Gut I thought you have to fill in the simple with values, just like that. But hey read about the I saw this is an area of research in computer science and until I have studied are the ready and überhaupt.Mein son thought anyway because what I wanted in game design, because I had never played a game. Agreed, and the things I can not anyway. Now I had already started to produce pictures of natural materials (typically women) and found myself tinkering. What are you doing, I thought, so old that you tinker? And in times of need. ... And the fate of someone talking so childish ... yes and that's what it was.
was now my second drive. wwww.Tapetenbilder-kinder.de
The images are unfinished, I'm not an artist but are getting better and I hope a wallpaper company or porcelain company, the experiment makes the bold but beautiful Images dared umzusetzen.Vielleicht but at least something new.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Arizona Drivers License Gen
My advice
was supposed to be this little site has only an appendage, but now receive their own domain. With
www.beratungab45.de I offer counseling for women by using Tarotkarten.Ich have years of experience with network cards but make no fortune-telling or future interpretation, which I leave is the qualified women on the Kartenlegerseite.Die advice and not meant to be serious to solve mental or physical problems it needs for trained psychologist and I can not replace. But
Tarot cards are an esoteric and spiritual resources to the nature of to capture people's talents, his soul and his Tiefgründigkeit.Ein tools to extend the consultation, but also as partners to be ready to talk together about goals and ideas, and look for opportunities to be clear about yourself But are Tarot Cards excellent. So when new items
My advice
was supposed to be this little site has only an appendage, but now receive their own domain. With
www.beratungab45.de I offer counseling for women by using Tarotkarten.Ich have years of experience with network cards but make no fortune-telling or future interpretation, which I leave is the qualified women on the Kartenlegerseite.Die advice and not meant to be serious to solve mental or physical problems it needs for trained psychologist and I can not replace. But
Tarot cards are an esoteric and spiritual resources to the nature of to capture people's talents, his soul and his Tiefgründigkeit.Ein tools to extend the consultation, but also as partners to be ready to talk together about goals and ideas, and look for opportunities to be clear about yourself But are Tarot Cards excellent. So when new items
Defrost Sausages Before Cooking
link lists
A compiled list of links of free learning opportunities can be found at www.bestekartenlegerin.de
The web pages I have even created, learned and created with the nice people utensils provided free of charge. Of course, whatever merit intentions it but who wants to blame the one we want to eventually have all auch.So ......... how it handled it will put into practice: One should do for themselves and a part of the public, achieves the best value. best casual cards inside
My site is totally free card readers and those inside for the suchen.Diese such site is my first book and is seen in at least 11 countries already and this pleases me.
Single parent
link lists
A compiled list of links of free learning opportunities can be found at www.bestekartenlegerin.de
The web pages I have even created, learned and created with the nice people utensils provided free of charge. Of course, whatever merit intentions it but who wants to blame the one we want to eventually have all auch.So ......... how it handled it will put into practice: One should do for themselves and a part of the public, achieves the best value. best casual cards inside
My site is totally free card readers and those inside for the suchen.Diese such site is my first book and is seen in at least 11 countries already and this pleases me.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Japanese Tea House Plan
Hana Zanin's dance project MOHA

Finally, there was once again to photograph a dance project. In a muddy, moss-covered garden plot on the railway embankment, it was at "üsseligem March weather" for the MOHA-dance project anything to hide, what there like on to their little garden, embankment, mud see and was left to allow only the "elementary detention Earthy" with Hana Zanin, Julioa Nesterova and Heng-Li Chang. Fun it's all, and I have less frozen.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Dennis Milani Full Nud
change of topic
My Blog I started with motivation to report on the experiences and other mothers had to helfen.Nur I overlooked that the time of the single parent was paced by and the experiences can be viewed with a certain distance and to help other mothers and the anger, disappointment. Struggle and anti-discrimination
lose Think of your own Aktualität.Es is still much to report, of insults, degrading and disadvantages but there are still a few years already passed since then and another phase of life has now abgelöst.Trotzdem the previous example is the problem of arbitrary removal of the child not been solved and a striking number of single parents are affected by wievor and have little chance on the other hand can only recommend wehren.Ich to organize themselves to take action and establish networks. Still, there is no international single parents Summit, not the year of single parents. Still no single parent fund. No internships abroad for single parents and little Parentinggroups for Alleinerziehende.Es there is still much to do.
change of topic
A new generation of single parents has grown up and demanded to etas active unternehmen.Netzwerke must be formed not only by sozialgeschulten people but also by the individuals themselves who know best where the problems are and why it affected more than other As we see from his perspective, the world and why you just can not do otherwise and act and what you think könnte.ich to improve that 75% of single parents and 25% of people from social should be involved if cooperation is desired or even networks of 100% means Betroffenen.Netzerke get together, develop a plan to organize goals, and do, learn to train, educate children and fight together, and responsibility übernehmen.Es are many such networks, but still not enough and the arbitrary removal of the child shall be exercised without brakes on, children hiding anonymously in foster care, contact prevented the mother and, despite judicial instructions to publish verweigert.Immer there are individual cases but, unfortunately, too much apart with an unpredictable consequences for whole Menschenleben.Davon that mothers or families who have managed their children to the first ride back, a lot of harassment, stalk, spying and Zumichtemachen müssen.Einzelfälle expect their livelihoods while-but unacceptable.
Since as I said for me the single parents era over now, I will now make a new life widmen.Was one then? What options you have when you have almost lived on welfare, what about the 1.5 € job? What he brings to whom, for what age groups?
What can I remember what I want to learn What is the age and what options do I have to learn for free? I would still earn a little for my pension or do I have to work to well over 70 and how to look like the work? Will I always be in German Chand or is there the possibility to go to another country? And how do I organize it? There are already many good networks, groups and organizations where it is worthwhile to find werden.Und one has the freedom to set up further or to team up only in small groups. The mental stress, children, school and youth welfare is largely in the past and we can decide freely and relaxed again. Is also nice, or not?
the 1.50 euro job I will not make many bad he has a genuine opportunity in a profession zurückzukehren.Nur should not forget the age. at 57 to become the best Fall in 1100 net earnings of only 8 years of work, ie to 65 In a stand of 150-euro per month pension, the amount will increase to a maximum of 250 EUTO month. What does this mean?
It means that the social services the missing amount to replace the livelihood needs, and for the individual means that it is then just as poor before, and the rest of her life on welfare muss.Nicht live that swerving is the right solution, but it is an attempt to extract value but a bit more from the whole thing and perhaps to escape the poverty in old age, but this also means working until 70 or 75 need to or can or may. One can choose. But it's simply gone quality of life and the joy of not giving up. For what may happen in the worst case? Yes, but only the social assistance has to secure the luggage with 1.5 or not 1.5. I speak here particularly the age group from 55 in years, for 45 years are not the chances for a decent job and pension so bad but also because it pays next to something to plan and start over.
One should also not be discouraged if some people have no issues so very old and the German path is noble, good, modest and not leave können.Gut poor and humble is not a problem, but poverty in any case.
My Blog I started with motivation to report on the experiences and other mothers had to helfen.Nur I overlooked that the time of the single parent was paced by and the experiences can be viewed with a certain distance and to help other mothers and the anger, disappointment. Struggle and anti-discrimination
lose Think of your own Aktualität.Es is still much to report, of insults, degrading and disadvantages but there are still a few years already passed since then and another phase of life has now abgelöst.Trotzdem the previous example is the problem of arbitrary removal of the child not been solved and a striking number of single parents are affected by wievor and have little chance on the other hand can only recommend wehren.Ich to organize themselves to take action and establish networks. Still, there is no international single parents Summit, not the year of single parents. Still no single parent fund. No internships abroad for single parents and little Parentinggroups for Alleinerziehende.Es there is still much to do.
change of topic
A new generation of single parents has grown up and demanded to etas active unternehmen.Netzwerke must be formed not only by sozialgeschulten people but also by the individuals themselves who know best where the problems are and why it affected more than other As we see from his perspective, the world and why you just can not do otherwise and act and what you think könnte.ich to improve that 75% of single parents and 25% of people from social should be involved if cooperation is desired or even networks of 100% means Betroffenen.Netzerke get together, develop a plan to organize goals, and do, learn to train, educate children and fight together, and responsibility übernehmen.Es are many such networks, but still not enough and the arbitrary removal of the child shall be exercised without brakes on, children hiding anonymously in foster care, contact prevented the mother and, despite judicial instructions to publish verweigert.Immer there are individual cases but, unfortunately, too much apart with an unpredictable consequences for whole Menschenleben.Davon that mothers or families who have managed their children to the first ride back, a lot of harassment, stalk, spying and Zumichtemachen müssen.Einzelfälle expect their livelihoods while-but unacceptable.
Since as I said for me the single parents era over now, I will now make a new life widmen.Was one then? What options you have when you have almost lived on welfare, what about the 1.5 € job? What he brings to whom, for what age groups?
What can I remember what I want to learn What is the age and what options do I have to learn for free? I would still earn a little for my pension or do I have to work to well over 70 and how to look like the work? Will I always be in German Chand or is there the possibility to go to another country? And how do I organize it? There are already many good networks, groups and organizations where it is worthwhile to find werden.Und one has the freedom to set up further or to team up only in small groups. The mental stress, children, school and youth welfare is largely in the past and we can decide freely and relaxed again. Is also nice, or not?
the 1.50 euro job I will not make many bad he has a genuine opportunity in a profession zurückzukehren.Nur should not forget the age. at 57 to become the best Fall in 1100 net earnings of only 8 years of work, ie to 65 In a stand of 150-euro per month pension, the amount will increase to a maximum of 250 EUTO month. What does this mean?
It means that the social services the missing amount to replace the livelihood needs, and for the individual means that it is then just as poor before, and the rest of her life on welfare muss.Nicht live that swerving is the right solution, but it is an attempt to extract value but a bit more from the whole thing and perhaps to escape the poverty in old age, but this also means working until 70 or 75 need to or can or may. One can choose. But it's simply gone quality of life and the joy of not giving up. For what may happen in the worst case? Yes, but only the social assistance has to secure the luggage with 1.5 or not 1.5. I speak here particularly the age group from 55 in years, for 45 years are not the chances for a decent job and pension so bad but also because it pays next to something to plan and start over.
One should also not be discouraged if some people have no issues so very old and the German path is noble, good, modest and not leave können.Gut poor and humble is not a problem, but poverty in any case.
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