wallpaper images
What now? Was the question and I have to do anything. At my age still do a proper job and emigrate then without money? "No, that was something new to learn unrealistisch.Also without physical exertion, something you can do with 70, something to take what we can, but what?
First, I learned the basics of Blender, a 3D program free of charge, made very nice progress, thinking about game design or something. Made me think how to make 2d and 3d nor did my few pictures to give figures. But Blender consists only of graphs and graphs where 2 are occupied just missing the dritte.Gut I thought you have to fill in the simple with values, just like that. But hey read about the I saw this is an area of research in computer science and until I have studied are the ready and überhaupt.Mein son thought anyway because what I wanted in game design, because I had never played a game. Agreed, and the things I can not anyway. Now I had already started to produce pictures of natural materials (typically women) and found myself tinkering. What are you doing, I thought, so old that you tinker? And in times of need. ... And the fate of someone talking so childish ... yes and that's what it was.
was now my second drive. wwww.Tapetenbilder-kinder.de
The images are unfinished, I'm not an artist but are getting better and I hope a wallpaper company or porcelain company, the experiment makes the bold but beautiful Images dared umzusetzen.Vielleicht but at least something new.
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