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My Blog I started with motivation to report on the experiences and other mothers had to helfen.Nur I overlooked that the time of the single parent was paced by and the experiences can be viewed with a certain distance and to help other mothers and the anger, disappointment. Struggle and anti-discrimination
lose Think of your own Aktualität.Es is still much to report, of insults, degrading and disadvantages but there are still a few years already passed since then and another phase of life has now abgelöst.Trotzdem the previous example is the problem of arbitrary removal of the child not been solved and a striking number of single parents are affected by wievor and have little chance on the other hand can only recommend wehren.Ich to organize themselves to take action and establish networks. Still, there is no international single parents Summit, not the year of single parents. Still no single parent fund. No internships abroad for single parents and little Parentinggroups for Alleinerziehende.Es there is still much to do.
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A new generation of single parents has grown up and demanded to etas active unternehmen.Netzwerke must be formed not only by sozialgeschulten people but also by the individuals themselves who know best where the problems are and why it affected more than other As we see from his perspective, the world and why you just can not do otherwise and act and what you think könnte.ich to improve that 75% of single parents and 25% of people from social should be involved if cooperation is desired or even networks of 100% means Betroffenen.Netzerke get together, develop a plan to organize goals, and do, learn to train, educate children and fight together, and responsibility übernehmen.Es are many such networks, but still not enough and the arbitrary removal of the child shall be exercised without brakes on, children hiding anonymously in foster care, contact prevented the mother and, despite judicial instructions to publish verweigert.Immer there are individual cases but, unfortunately, too much apart with an unpredictable consequences for whole Menschenleben.Davon that mothers or families who have managed their children to the first ride back, a lot of harassment, stalk, spying and Zumichtemachen müssen.Einzelfälle expect their livelihoods while-but unacceptable.
Since as I said for me the single parents era over now, I will now make a new life widmen.Was one then? What options you have when you have almost lived on welfare, what about the 1.5 € job? What he brings to whom, for what age groups?
What can I remember what I want to learn What is the age and what options do I have to learn for free? I would still earn a little for my pension or do I have to work to well over 70 and how to look like the work? Will I always be in German Chand or is there the possibility to go to another country? And how do I organize it? There are already many good networks, groups and organizations where it is worthwhile to find werden.Und one has the freedom to set up further or to team up only in small groups. The mental stress, children, school and youth welfare is largely in the past and we can decide freely and relaxed again. Is also nice, or not?
the 1.50 euro job I will not make many bad he has a genuine opportunity in a profession zurückzukehren.Nur should not forget the age. at 57 to become the best Fall in 1100 net earnings of only 8 years of work, ie to 65 In a stand of 150-euro per month pension, the amount will increase to a maximum of 250 EUTO month. What does this mean?
It means that the social services the missing amount to replace the livelihood needs, and for the individual means that it is then just as poor before, and the rest of her life on welfare muss.Nicht live that swerving is the right solution, but it is an attempt to extract value but a bit more from the whole thing and perhaps to escape the poverty in old age, but this also means working until 70 or 75 need to or can or may. One can choose. But it's simply gone quality of life and the joy of not giving up. For what may happen in the worst case? Yes, but only the social assistance has to secure the luggage with 1.5 or not 1.5. I speak here particularly the age group from 55 in years, for 45 years are not the chances for a decent job and pension so bad but also because it pays next to something to plan and start over.
One should also not be discouraged if some people have no issues so very old and the German path is noble, good, modest and not leave können.Gut poor and humble is not a problem, but poverty in any case.
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